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Divine Intelligence - The genius of geniuses - Formula RX-3

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Intuitively we all know what it is to be intelligent, although the definitions of intelligence can be very diverse. It is something that helps us plan, reason, solve problems, learn quickly, think quickly, make decisions, and ultimately survive in the fast-paced, modern world. To capture this elusive trait, cognitive tests have been designed to measure performance in different cognitive domains, such as processing speed and language. Very soon it became clear that the results of different cognitive tests are highly correlated and generate a strong general factor that underlies the different capacities of human intelligence done in this subliminal program "Divine Intelligence"

Intelligence is the human being's ability to construct useful information to solve a problem, based on environmental conditions and what has been previously learned. In fewer words: intelligence is the ability to solve a problem using creativity, memory and deductive ability.

Intelligence plays a particularly central role in humanity as it is our great evolutionary tool. Unlike other animal species, which developed physical capacities to adapt to the environment, human beings increasingly developed their capacity for learning and deduction, thus being able to modify the elements and even the environment to adapt it to their needs.

There are numerous attempts to measure intelligence through different scales and procedures.

Psychometry, the discipline in charge of psychological measurements, pursues a unique measure of intelligence called the “general intelligence factor” or G Factor that compares the performance of a subject with respect to his or her social group of reference.

Other measurement proposals are those that determine the intellectual coefficient (IQ), which compares the performance of a subject in an intelligence test with the expected measurements for their age.

This program is made for you to reach the maximum possible intelligence based on your experiences, pattern recognition and analytics among other great benefits it contains.
This subliminal and energetic program is the most complete created to date, it contains different ways to generate supreme intelligence, affecting parts of your brain, neurons, memory, etc.
You may find that even the price is too short for the great benefits you will get with this program.

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Some of its benefits:
● Supreme processing and assimilation of billions of information per second both visual and auditory
● Feel and be powerful and strong
● Always be up to the highest standards
● Always walk straight, elegant and perfect
● Be very clever and intelligent every second
● Be the best in everything you do
● Be the most perfect being in the world
● Super high self-esteem and courage
● Be a go-getter
● Adventurer
● Be the creator of your reality
● Powerful trust and confidence
● Absolute confidence in you and in all your projects
● 100% positive mind
● Always be thinking positive things
● Everything you want comes true
● Powerful mind capable of achieving great scientific discoveries
● Natural charm
● Be very sociable
● Have enormous charisma and authenticity
● Everyone loves him
● He is always surrounded by people who love him
● Leadership
● You are an inspiration to many people
● People follow you
● Everyone talks about your work and projects worldwide
● All people know about your discoveries and research
● Have a natural charisma
● Be very outgoing
● You always like to talk to people
● Confidence when speaking in public
● Be incredibly sociable
● Always speak fluently and perfectly
● Get organized with geniuses just like you
● Intellectual genius
● To be greater than all the geniuses of the present age
● Incredibly agile and powerful
● Natural genius
● Always talk with known and unknown people to expand your knowledge and curiosities
● Always have a topic of conversation for everything
● Always speak at the right time
● All the words that come out of your imagination will also come out of your mouth
● The words of your mind will come out through your voice
● You are always heard by everyone
● Everyone will want to know about you and your work
● Be the most reliable and intelligent man in the world
● Always be happy at all hours
● Always be motivated to learn more and more
● Be happy and content
● Always enjoy your authentic and wonderful life
● Enjoy life a lot
● Enjoy the good things in life
● Enjoy all your achievements and discoveries that you make
● You will like everything you do
● Everything you read, you learn and write, you will be very passionate about
● Always be ready, equipped and prepared to solve and face any situation that may arise in your life
● Always answer all questions
● Always answer any question intelligently and accurately
● Your gifted intelligence will know all the questions
● Have free and unlimited access to your subconscious mind
● Conscious and subconscious mind connection
● Conscious mind, subconscious mind and super conscious mind are aligned, synchronized and perfectly used by you
● Subconscious mind obeys you and no one but you
● Have absolute control over your subconscious
● Easily master your subconscious
● Perfect activation and total control of all areas of your brain
● Everything learned is saved in your brain
● Have an incredible improvement in memorization with every second that passes
● With your super memory you will be able to remember anything with such ease and clarity even if it is the most sophisticated
● Brain will always be in a good stimulation and ready to absorb all the information it receives
● Brain will always be eager to learn more and more
● Brain will always be willing to save all the information it reads, learns, writes and observes
● Mind assimilates and understands quickly and effortlessly all the information and knowledge of everything it learns throughout its day
● Every second your brain will assimilate millions of information from everything around you
● Super unlimited memory saves all the information of this world
● All parts of your brain will always be working at their maximum capacity whenever you want
● Each neuron connected and working at its maximum capacity every day
● Brain processes with total precision all the information it receives at the speed of light
● Have a fast and accurate effective communication between your neurons
● Neurons are maximized for you
● Higher learning capacity and assimilation of data
● Have an incredibly high love of reading and studying
● Always be productive in everything
● Always be neat and clean
● Be attentive to do all the everyday things in your life
● Be absolutely aware of everything around you
● Brain will be ready and willing to give you all the knowledge acquired throughout your life
● Knowledge will come to you from different sources
● Knowledge will come to you everywhere and everywhere
● To be in love with studies
● Every day you learn really incredible and interesting things for yourself
● Always present your ideas and approaches accurately and effectively
● Have a perfect effective and accurate planning of everything you do
● Have an intense knowledge of all the various study topics that you learn and read
● Read incredibly faster than yesterday and faster than today
● Perfectly remember each letter and word read
● Have an incredible retention and supreme reading comprehension
● Always be happy, content and motivated while learning more
● Mind is always wanting to learn much more than it wants
● Awakening of absolute consciousness
● awake and active consciousness
● Activate incredible powers
● Your mind will awaken powers that no normal human could
● Mind awakens telepathic and futuristic powers
● Your super gifted mind will know the future perfectly
● Have absolute mastery in kinesthetic learning
● Your kinesthetic learning will work perfectly projects, technologies, physical activities, workshop and emotions to perfection
● Higher mind will activate its hidden powers
● Activate the power of telekinesis
● Activate the power of telepathy
● Activate the power of clairvoyance
● Incredibly powerful ability to think, understand with insight, acuity and ingenuity, everything you want
● Powerfully activate your intellectual clairvoyance
● Absolute dominance in his intellectual clairvoyance
● Awakening of powers of precognition
● Your powerful mind will awaken great powers of precognition and premonition
● Have psychic powers to know futuristic events that will help you in your life
● Super mind will know the future with such clarity and ease
● Know the future 100% perfectly
● Perfectly master precognition 100%
● Activation of the power of extrasensory perception
● Have remote knowledge to continue learning incredible things
● Learn incredible things thanks to your remote viewing
● Powerful remote viewing
● Easily master and use your remote vision to keep learning more and more
● Wake up and activate all your powers one hundred percent
● Awaken and activate all your mental powers to be the best in everything
● Awaken all your powers to 100%
● Awaken all your hidden powers of psychometry to perfection
● Just by touching an object, person or anything you will be able to obtain all the information of it with luxuries of detail to the letter
● Just by making contact with any object you will know everything related to it
● Just by making tactile contact with any object you will be able to know the past of any thing or person
● Incredible and powerful psychometric power
● Master your psychometric powers to perfection 100%
● Awaken all your hidden powers to the maximum (only the desired ones)
● Supreme power of psychic reading
● Mental energy always raised to the maximum
● Energy and mental resistance extremely powerful and raised to the maximum
● Energy physical and mental resistance always high and unlimited
● Body always generates high amounts of energy to make it powerful strong and invincible
● The world will be yours
● Cells always full of energy
● All your power of your body and mind are activated for everything you want to exercise
● Always have unlimited super high energies
● Unlimited and powerful energy
● Feeding on the sun to have unlimited energy
● Be a powerful being of high level beyond human consciousness
● The most intelligent powerful and strong being in the galaxy
● All your energies will be feeding your whole body
● Infinite and unlimited energies
● Always be in good spirits and happiness
● Enjoy life to the fullest
● Enjoy this incredible and wonderful life to the fullest
● Increase and mental and energetic empowerment
● Sharpness of all the senses
● Successfully achieve any situation thanks to his super intelligence
● Have good ideas for everything
● Always have great ideas
● Incredible wonderful and cool ideas
● Strengthened mental clarity
● Master your life perfectly
● Be the god of your reality
● Have absolutely everything you want and everything you propose
● Boosted success generator
● Unlimited abundance
● Physical and mental preciousness
● Master your life as you please
● Perfectly master any atom and cells of your body and of life itself
● Intellectual and physical motor skills are increased to 1000%
● Become a super evolved being beyond human understanding
● Read at incredible speeds and understand everything perfectly
● The amount of processing and everything that your mind saves will be unlimited
● Feeding on the earth and the sun always
● Easily absorb the energies of the sun in a positive way always
● Always feed on positive energies
● Fully purified aura
● Permanent and unlimited super intelligence
● Focus your conscious and subconscious mind on unlimited learning
● By thinking what you want you get it
● Everything will be possible for you
● Enhanced development of perseverance
● Incredible development and enhancement of motivation to learn more
● Concentrate easily even in difficult places
● Photographic memory
● Memorize excellently and quickly
● Remember everything easily
● Always use the full potential of the brain
● Superior development of musical intelligence
● Mastering perfectly any type of music with ease
● Musical genius
● Absolute command to be able to play any instrument and compose any type of music
● Be a supreme teacher in music
● 100% super developed kinesthetic body intelligence
● Perfectly master each part of your body at will
● Control each of your movements in detail
● Have total coordination and total dexterity for any physical activity
● Ability to explore surroundings and objects through touch and movement
● Great sense of rhythm and motor coordination
Ease of learning through direct experience
● Ability to perform fine motor tasks
● 100% highly developed intrapersonal intelligence
● Fully understand their own emotions
● Ease of understanding oneself
● Possess supreme self-control
● Have a high capacity for meditation
● Easily capture the wishes, moods and intentions of the people around you
● Ease of capturing non-verbal information transmitted by each person
● Know perfectly the intentions of people just by looking at them
● Achieve great alignment with the present, here and now
● Capacity for self-discipline and self-control
● 100% highly developed naturalistic intelligence
● Be related to mother nature
● Ability to distinguish, classify and manipulate elements of the environment, objects, animals and plants
● Understand mother nature to perfection
● Professional identifier in flora and fauna
● 100% perfectly developed creative intelligence
● Have excellent good ideas at all times
● Create things and inventions so easily
● Create improvements for your life and others
● Create great futures in your personal and professional life
● Be very imaginative and creator of your reality
● Perfectly developed emotional intelligence
● Supreme self-control
● Good emotional control and well-being
● A lot of motivation and self-motivation
● 100% perfectly developed collaborative intelligence
● Self-regulation
● Empathy
● Social skills
● 100% perfectly developed collaborative intelligence
● Ability to work in a team
● Ease of surrounding yourself with friends
● Easily make friends with men and women
● Understand everything perfectly in teamwork
● Work and surround yourself successfully and satisfactorily with all the people around you
● 100% super developed spatial intelligence
● Observe the world and objects from different ● perspectives
● Super powerful creativity to notice the world 100% as it is
● Being able to easily notice everything around you
● Super strong and powerful imagination
● Perceive reality appreciating sizes, directions and spatial relationships
● Mentally reproduce objects that you have observed
● Recognize objects in different circumstances
● Improved ability to create super realistic mental images, create designs, etc.
● Ability to construct diagrams and build things
● Ability to copy any information, movement or skill after seeing it once
● Control and manipulation of your voice
● Improved short and long term memory
● Brain, cerebellum, brainstem, frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, and temporal lobe
super healthy balanced and with a super strong and powerful performance
● Learn talents and skills easily and super fast
● Audiographic memory
● Always be in the right place at the right time
● Unlimited wealth
● Extremely confident, creative, sarcastic
● Brain is faster than 100 human brains
● Absorb any study in seconds
● Energized brain
● High level of deduction
● Extremely persuasive
● Always get the highest marks of any test, study or exam worldwide
● Brain is faster and more powerful than billions of quantum computers
● Analyze and fully understand hundreds of millions of bits of information in milliseconds faster than any advanced artificial intelligence
● Increased energy, intelligence and power
● +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (a lot more benefits)

- Only 50% of benefits has been put since not everything goes even in the description of payhip I will be leaving a link so that you can see the other benefits, you can also find it in the comments of youtube

You can see all the benefits on my youtube channel or download it for free here:

You can also access all the benefits in the document that comes within the program

This program will help you to develop all the existing intelligences as well as if you want to improve more in the natural talent of your being, based on your thoughts and energy since it affects the energy level in the process

Some powers have been mentioned and it is more than obvious to obtain these powers mentioned in the benefits because a super intelligent person with the gift of "divine intelligence" can obtain even more than what is described here

Remember that if you don't want this feature, you can simply not want it or consciously block it.
You can get even other mental power that is not mentioned here, but these are the ones that I consider very important for your intelligence to flow at 100%
When you get to access all the areas of your brain then it is very common that you can awaken these types of abilities that belong to us by right

You can block any other benefits you don't want, you have the power.

Additional Information:

This Subliminal Program has been on sale for only a few how many for more than a month and today we are finally releasing it to the public officially

This subliminal and energetic program is valued at more than $ 190.90 dollars but we decided to add a discount of almost 50% --- ̶ $ ̶1̶9̶0̶.̶9̶0̶ - $ 100.00

And only for an unlimited time you will get a 30% discount

This subliminal program is unisex, both men and women can listen to it

Do you wish only the short version? Get it here:

If you are from Europe and do not want to pay VAT, read here:

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♚ Drink water to hydrate your mind
♚ Don't obsess over seeing results
♚ Trust and have faith
♚ Visualize to accelerate your results
♚ Listen to a comfortable volume
♚ Be patient, be constant
♚ Use headphones for best results
♚ Long version (1 hour minimum, 90 minutes recommended)
♚ Short version (at least 2 listens, 3 listens recommended) 3 listens of 3 minutes of the short version is equivalent to more than an hour and a half of listening
♚ It is not necessary to speak English

This subliminal and energetic program is personal as it contains unique energy for more information see the description of payhip

Also mention that this subliminal program is only for children over 13 years old because children of that age contemplate different areas and have their own maturation timeline, higher order association cortices mature only after somatosensory cortices and lower-order visuals.

If you want to acquire and give these audios to your son / daughter, nephew, friend, etc, we present two different programs that ensure their effectiveness according to their age based on research and their own maturity timeline
The programs are among children from 7-13 years old and another softer program between 5 and older years of age this can help a lot to the growth of intelligence of the child's stage, turning him into a gifted child.

You can request either of these two programs by writing to me on Facebook, Instagram or by Mail
I would like to give more information but I am limited with the description ...

This subliminal program has passed its testing phase, you are probably sharing some of the testimonials on Instagram of people who acquired this audio a long time before ...

It is normal that the first days of listening you may feel a slight headache, it has happened with some people and it only happens the first days, please reduce the listening time until your brain gets used to it.
Also remember to hydrate as headaches can also occur due to dehydration, preferably plain water to maximize the full potential of the program.
Do not worry if you do not feel symptoms, it only happens to some and not to others, the audio will still be working for you.

This subliminal program also works powerfully as a booster and can accelerate your results to unimaginable levels if you get access to all your mental power, which also allows you to listen to many more audios than you could be limited to listening.

This subliminal program has 3 files:
- A high quality wav file Premium Version
- A high quality wav file Premium Short Version
- A word file of the benefits

Programa subliminal producido por Fantasy Nebulosa Studios ©

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