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Believe You're Worth It

a course for confidence...

Grow Your Confidence

This 5-session course is designed to provide the tools and support you need to break through mental blocks, find peace and confidence in yourself, and step up and live your dreams.

Unlock Your True Potential

A Path to Healing

The online videos, handouts, coaching sessions, and additional resources will guide you through a healing process that helps you find faith in your abilities.

Learn at Your Own Pace

This course is designed to work at your own pace — repeat as needed until you unlock the confidence and peace of mind that comes from believing in yourself. With this unique program, you’ll soon find the courage to step up and make positive changes in your life.

Put Yourself First

The New Leaf courses are designed specifically for those who want to learn how to be empowered and believe in their worth. You are provided with the guidance you need for self-care and self-love so that you can confidently put yourself first

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“Wow, it’s awesome! ... a unique and exciting program..”

— Holley

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“It is so well laid out and structured. This course is a great compliment to our one on one sessions.” 

— Fiona

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“Thank you so much... a great compliment to our sessions.” 

— Kylie

coaching portal


  • Click on any preview lesson in the portal


  • Scroll down, payment options are at the bottom of page

program features:

Are you ready to take control of your life and start feeling confident in who you are?

Through 5 kinesiology sessions, video walk throughs with handouts, and actionable exercises, this program is designed to help you find your true potential in a most effective way.

Let me help you discover the power within yourself!


Get access to over 5 hours of video and audio sessions, handouts, session workbooks, downloadable materials and other exclusive content (value$695).


Benefit from the Energy Flow Series that comes with guided routines for aligning body, heart & mind (value $97). Also download the monthly planner to help you set goals and intentions, daily, weekly and monthly (value $19).


I'm here to help. Have a question or need support? I'm here for you! Comment and ask questions in the coaching portal, reach out to me by email or arrange 1:1 sessions for more personal guidance.

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"Zoe's insightful feedback has given me confidence, a sense of calm, clarity, empowerment and a willingness to change.”

— Janet

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"My biggest breakthrough with Zoe was the realisation that I am me and I am enough. I feel so much clearer in where I'm heading in my life. I now do things for me that fill me with joy. I feel a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders and a feeling of 'I can do this'. My husband has noticed a big change in me too and it's had an incredibly positive impact on my relationship both with him and my children."

— Liz

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"The impossible is possible when Zoe is guiding you and teaching you how to empower yourself."

— Julie

why I created this program...

The upheaval of 2020 showed us we have to be resilient and adapt to the new world we find ourselves in.

This inspired me to create a program that helps sensitive people have faith in themselves and confidently establish a life based on their truest values.

I invite you to join me in this unique healing course, eliminate your limiting beliefs and move forward with a renewed sense of self!

Zoe x

What will you gain if you delay joining this program?

What will happen that makes delaying a good idea?

If the answer is “nothing” and you wake up in 2 months still in the hole you’re in now, then why delay?

Get good at believing you’re worth it...

Click the join button below and start today!

choose a pricing plan

single payment


Payment Plan

per month for 3 months

still have questions?



Zoe Davis provides coaching and kinesiology sessions and courses as self-help, self-improvement, learning, motivation, relaxation and de-stressing aids. They do not constitute a replacement for medical or psychological treatment and Zoe Davis neither expresses nor implies any claims to the contrary. All advice offered is a general guide only and those with underlying health issues or sensitivities, including pregnancy must use their own discernment at all times. If in doubt see your health provider before embarking on a program.