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Do you have an idea for a book but you don't know where to start?

Let's be real, a lack of ideas is rarely what's really standing between you and writing a book. Almost everyone has at least one idea they think would be cool to write about, but very few actually write the book they think of writing.

Maybe you've started writing a book before, maybe even more than once, but you've got stuck because you didn't actually know how to write a novel from start to finish. Maybe you really like the idea of being a writer but you're too embarrassed to share all your unfinished projects with anyone, and you just want to stop writing for your desk drawer.

What if you NEVER write the book you dream of writing?

Following our creative pursuits is rarely something that is encouraged and it's so much easier to just do everything that you're supposed to do instead of what you're called to do.

You want to share your story with the world, maybe even make an impact or at least entertain a few people. A written book is a chance to become technically immortal, yet we spend more time decluttering our homes or scrolling through Instagram than learning how to write a novel.

Writing a book is not magic, I can show you how it's done

Really, I am just like you. I don't have a creative writing degree and I certainly have my share of real-life responsibilities. I mean someone has to clean the litter boxes and fold the laundry, and it looks like that someone is me, again.

And yet, I am a published author and a creative writing teacher, and I have figured out how to make that whole novel-writing thing a lot easier than you thought it could be. I am here to hold your hand through the process of turning your idea into a full novel outline.

This could be you

Imagine if you knew how to turn your vague story idea, a cool character concept or your favourite childhood memory into a full novel outline. You would know exactly what to write and in what order, so that you'd never waste time staring at an empty page or a blinking cursor again.

Writing a great book takes time, but with the right plan and the right tools, you would know you're on the right track to finishing your novel this time. Eventually, you could hold your finished book in your hands and you could share it with the world!

How I can help you

Just one idea isn't enough to carry a full novel but together we can find all the elements that your story needs. You will find all the characters, settings and plot events that are necessary to write an entire book. You might be surprised by what you already have within you!

Even if you already have the whole story in your mind, I can support you with crafting a plot that tells your readers exactly what you want without the headache of not quite knowing how to put your ideas into words.

I will help you decide what should and shouldn't be included in your story so it can have a maximum impact on your readers. You will use my method of outlining in a way that works for you, and with support from me, you will have your novel outline ready within two months.

If you would like support beyond your outline, you can opt for the First Draft Support plan for even more personalised help from me.


Personal coaching to turn your idea into a full story (this means weekly video calls - if accessible to you - and written feedback) - value $350

Worksheets and other valuable resources for crafting your story that are yours to use forever in your future writing - value $90

Feedback on your plot and outline so that you can start writing your book with confidence - value $100

(OPTIONAL: First draft support for two more months with weekly calls and written feedback - value $250)

Right now you can get all of that just for $400 (or $600 with First Draft Support) - but the price will be going up for future customers. We also offer 3-month payment plans.

Before we get started

I need to ask you some questions to make sure we're a good fit! I carefully choose all my clients to make sure I'm the best possible person to help you, and you will not be taken to the payment page until I've approved you :) If YOU have any questions, you can always send me an email to hello(at)