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memoQ Inside Out: Templates for Project Managers

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memoQ Inside Out: Templates for Project Managers

memoQ’s project templates are essential tool for work management for project managers in any translation company / LSP. The use of properly configured templates can make an enormous difference on the workload of anyone creating and managing translation- and revision-related tasks. Templates can automate project creation, assignment of users and resources, generation of various reports and exporting of documents in different formats. With properly configured templates you can even automatically assign jobs to certain users or pool of users and automatically deliver the finished documents after the full workflow was completed. However, even if you want to retain greater manual control over your projects, template can simplify things like user assignment by automatically adding certain pool of users to projects for quicker selection or automatically updating master and deleting unnecessary working translation memories from finished projects.

The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of templates capabilities (for memoQ users with Project Manager licence), provide examples of template usage scenarios, description of pre-installed default templates, instructions on how to create several types of templates, from very minimal, automating just one or two aspects of project creation or use, to extensive, with multiple pre-defined settings and automation. A detailed description and discussion of all template-related settings is also included as a reference.

Buy this book if:

  • You manually manage projects in an LSP
  • You do use the default templates, but you would like to know more on how they work and better adapt them to your needs
  • You want to know how to use templates for more efficient and safer work
  • You are interested in automatic pre- and post-processing of files imported to memoQ
  • You want to exploit templates to their full potential 
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