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Time Management - How To Balance Your Life To Get More Out of Your Day

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Have you ever postponed a certain task as simple as mailing a birthday card for your mom who is out of the country, or perhaps something as important as preparing your report for tomorrow's presentation at the office?

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. You're having a very hectic schedule and you feel like going crazy over so many tasks and things to do.

Say your mom believed any of your excuses why you had sent her a "belated happy birthday" greeting card, or you had managed to get over the presentation even with fillers like "uhm…you see… uhm… well…" Did you feel glad about it being done and consider it good enough?

I don't think so.

In fact, you could have done it better … or rather, you ought to do it better!

Do you have to wait for the moment when your mom sulks because she thought you've forgotten her birthday? What if the increase and promotion you've been waiting for your whole life will be given to your colleague because you don't deserve the recognition?

Why wait for something terrible to happen before you start organizing your time, your career, your relationship with other people, your space, and most especially, your life?

With Time Management, You Can Be Efficient…You Can Be Productive…You Can Be the Best of What You Can Be Right Now!

So are you ready?

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Total Pages: 107

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