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Mastering Reality Set 1

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In this mastering Reality grid set you get the coloring grids for ego pattern release, emotional pattern release, and behavioral pattern release. 

The ego is a program of the subconscious mind that likes to highjack the mind and create realities. It is your job to stop this. First what does the ego controlling the mind look like? This is the voice that says nothing is your fault, someone is out to get you, you need to get someone back, someone deserved what you did to them... and so on. This ego voice will replay moments in your mind making you stay in a mad, sad, or hurt emotional state. You will need to say, "NO MORE EGO! I am going to be the bigger person and walk away. I am going to act out of love. I am going to try to understand the other persons side...." or something like that.

Release old outdated emotional, behavioral, and ego patterns. Let go of these out ways that keep you trapped in the same life cycles over and over. Free yourself today. 

These grids can be colored or not and use by looking at, holding your hand over, placing under pillow, crystal gridding, energy healing, meditation, charge your water by placing it on top og the grid, or color thinking if a certain pattern and burn during a full moon. Whatever you are guided to do.

You will get the following files:
  • JPG (81KB)
  • JPG (90KB)
  • JPG (110KB)