Air Jordan Infared Paint
On Sale
infared 2017 paint 2oz bottle
flexible and scratch resistant can be applied to midsoles or uppers & is compatible with gac900
Please allow 24 hours of dry time before attempting to buff sand paint if necessary
Paint will get darker and color will adjust as it drys
More colors available check us out on FOOTPRINSE ON SOCIAL MEDIA
Please wear a respirator or particle mask chemicals used in paint are known in the state of California to cause a cancer ⚠️
Tested on Air Jordan 2017 infrareds
flexible and scratch resistant can be applied to midsoles or uppers & is compatible with gac900
Please allow 24 hours of dry time before attempting to buff sand paint if necessary
Paint will get darker and color will adjust as it drys
More colors available check us out on FOOTPRINSE ON SOCIAL MEDIA
Please wear a respirator or particle mask chemicals used in paint are known in the state of California to cause a cancer ⚠️
Tested on Air Jordan 2017 infrareds