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This Book will give you a deeper revelation of Jehovah, Your Ebenezer! 

The Prayers in this Book will release Supernatural Help in all dimensions of your Life.

1 Samuel 7:12

" Then Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us."

  • Everyone needs divine help!!! There is no one who doesn't need assistance. 
  • God never wants man to be helpless 
  • God has a rescue plan always ready to be activated when we call. 
  • God wants to help us when we call him. 
  • Our God is Someone who runs on hearing our cry and gives assistance

What is divine help!!! 

  • Divine help is when God assists a man 
  • Divine help is to receive aid and support from the Lord 
  • Divine help is to receive encouragement from the Lord that will make you achieve your purpose 
  • Divine help is God giving you a helping hand that will make you have the advantage in Life. 
  • Divine help is when God makes possible whatever was humanly possible, humiliating the systems of men and the world. 

This year, you will receive Divine Help in every area of your life. 

There are 4 major ways that the Lord gives us divine help. 

  1. The Use Supernatural force that can't be humanly explained  
  2. God will use men to help you 
  3. The Holy Spirit has been commissioned by God to help you 
  4. The Angelic ministry is a helping ministry, it's called Ministering Spirits

This is your Prophetic Word, receive it and see how God will send you supernatural help from all challenges of life and set you apart with mind blowing testimonies and results in Jesus name. 

From our theme text, we see that the children of Israel were troubled by their enemies and Samuel preached to them to return back to God! 

On the day of their assembly as they gathered for worship and sacrifice, the philistines were hearing them and decided to attack them. 

  • There are many times you wonder why you get attacked in the season when you're praying 
  • You're wondering why you get more attacks when you're seeking God 
  • Someone is wondering why the enemy suddenly remembered your postcode when you decided to seek God 

The enemy has been monitoring you and when they notice and hear the shout of worship, they want to attack you to destabilise you. 

The enemy wants to attack you to slow your prayers and worship, to shut you up but I see you shouting louder in praise and worship of our God. 

The enemy hates it when we reconnect back to God because he knows when we've returned to God, then we will be powerful! 

Our connection makes for the flow of Divine Help from God. I declare you're reconnected in Jesus name. 

He knows we become weak when we are disconnected from God! 

  • But I say that the devil is a liar, no one can weaken your relationship with God! 
  • Every strategy of the devil to weaken your relationship with God is destroyed now in Jesus name!!! 

Whenever we're in any situation that we don't know how to come out from, pray, and give a sacrificial seed. 

  • There are principles of the kingdom 
  • This is between you and your God 
  • David understood this principle when there was a plague in the land and Aruna offered him a free threshing floor. 

2 Samuel 24:24(KJV)

And the king said unto Araunah, Nay; but I will surely buy it of thee at a price: neither will I offer burnt offerings unto the LORD my God of that which doth cost me nothing. So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.

Psalm 50:5-6 (NIV) 

5."Gather to me this consecrated people, who made a covenant with me by sacrifice."6.And the heavens proclaim his righteousness, for he is a God of justice

The meaning of this is, a sacrifice provokes divine attention that will cause heaven to judge in your affairs!!! 

Many believers are serving God out of convenience, it's time to know that even if God made a sacrifice to connect us back to him, you too must do likewise!!! 

  1. If you've not lost anything from following Christ, then your Christianity will have no fire!!! 
  2. Fire only falls on sacrifices!!! 

As the sacrifice was made, the Lord thundered from heaven against the philistines, and they were thrown into panic and they were routed before Israel


1 Samuel 7:11 says “The men of Israel rushed out of Mizpah and pursued the Philistines, slaughtering them along the way to a point below Beth Kar” 

  • They were helped supernaturally! God thundered and they rushed on their enemies, pursued, and slew them. 

Then Samuel took a stone in between mizpah, and shen and Called it Ebenezer, which means “Thus this far the Lord has been my help”

Let's look at this name Jehovah my Ebenezer. 

  1. This is a name that provokes thanksgiving 
  2. This is a name that commands the Almightiness of our God
  3. This is a name that proclaims our God as a present Helper in times of need
  4. This is a name that describes the nature of our God 
  5. This is a name that announces to the enemy that we're never alone, we've Got a helper 
  6. This is a name that provokes faith in You, that God will always rescue you! If He did it before He will do it again. 

Finally, why did Prophet Samuel put a stone? 

  • A stone is a symbolic of covenant 
  • A stone is a symbol of remembrance 

What does it mean? 

  • This year, God is saying Don't forget, I have always helped you, I am helping you right now and will continue to help you! 
  • God is saying I have made a covenant to help you, I will never break it, nor utter the words that have come out of my mouth!!! 

When Jehovah Ebenezer is your Supernatural Helper, you will always win and be victorious all year round in Jesus name. 

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