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Map Your Purpose Short Online Course

This course will help you uncover your true passion and align it with your goals and values. By mapping your purpose, you will gain clarity and direction in your life, leading to a more fulfilling and meaningful existence. Whether you're at a crossroads in your career or simply seeking a deeper sense of purpose, this course will provide you with the tools and strategies to navigate your journey of self-discovery.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand the concept of purpose and its importance in personal and professional life.

  • Identify personal values, strengths, and passions that contribute to defining one's purpose.

  • Develop clarity on short-term and long-term goals aligned with one's purpose.

  • Learn practical strategies for aligning daily actions and decisions with one's purpose.

  • Create a personalized purpose map outlining key milestones and action steps towards fulfilling one's purpose.

Learning experience:

Throughout the course, participants will have access to online forums or discussion boards to engage with instructors and peers, ask questions, and share insights and experiences. Additionally, instructors will provide feedback and support to participants as they progress through the course.

Course curriculum

Overview of the Map Your Purpose online training course – as follows:

Module 1: Understanding the concept of purpose

  • Introduction to the concept of purpose, its significance, and different perspectives.
  • Overview of all modules and introduction to each area to be uncovered during the course.

Module 2: Identifying your personal strengths, values and passions

  • Readings and Resources: Exploring personal values, interests, and passions.


  • Strengths and Values inventory exercise and reflection.
  • Passion exploration: Identify activities or interests that bring joy and fulfilment.

Module 3: Alignment and Connection with Your Purpose

  • Defining your purpose – a reflection exercise to connect you with what purpose means to you personally.
  • Exploring Values and Passions – make a list of your personal values and passion.
  • Connection with your purpose - identify specific actions to align daily activities with your purpose.

Module 4: Creating your unique Map of your purpose

  • Readings and Resources: Goal-setting principles and techniques for aligning goals with purpose.


  • Step-by-step guided goal-setting exercise to define short-term and long-term goals aligned with your purpose.
  • Creating Your Personal and Professional Map: Develop a personalized map outlining key milestones and action steps.

Module 5: Wrap-up your Journey and Bonuses

  • Summary of the course to map your purpose and the key components you have created.
  • Bonuses: Three videos on the topics of Ego, Beliefs and vibrational energy

Module 6: Quiz

  • A fun quiz to check your knowledge and ensure you have all the components to Map Your Purpose.

Plus, as a special thank you as a sign of our gratitude to you and appreciation for completing the Map Your Purpose course, there's also a very special bonus section - where you have three extra bonus lessons.

  • The first bonus is a video on the topic of ego, explaining a little bit more, teaching you about thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
  • The second video is on the topic of beliefs – going much deeper into how beliefs impact you and what beliefs you might have and what your beliefs are and how they affect you. Very, very useful to have that insight.
  • And then the third bonus video is on the topic of vibrational energy. So, this is all about how everything in the universe is on a vibrational frequency and how you can shift your vibration to raise your vibration into accessing your higher self.

After you complete Module five there is a short quiz in the final module – a bit of fun to finish up and complete the whole course.

Good luck with understanding, identifying and connecting with your unique purpose.