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The Great Mundus-S Q&A Debate

* eBook length: 120 pages
* Download file format: PDF 

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A proposal for a new form of world government that will support a new type of global social order is a topic demanding intense scrutiny if there ever was one. In Mundus-S Under Fire, the Mundus-S Solution is put under a microscope where it will be dissected in a hundred different ways. Tackling tough questions, this heated Q&A discourse goes a long way towards clarifying what Mundus is and what it is not.

                    ~ CONTENTS ~
           Questions related to:
• Base Definitions
• Free World Federal Republic (FWFR)
• Authoritarianism, Tyranny, and
​ Conspiracy
• Globalism
• Socialism and Class
• Constitution, Law, Liberty, and Rights
• Societal Structure
• Economics
• Reform
• Solution


A sample of the questions that address
                 BASE DEFINITIONS

Q: Why Mundus? What is the premise for the

Q: What does ‘Mundus’ mean?

Q: What is the core idea from which the Mundus Solution was derived?

Q: ‘Tao Mundus’? I’ve never heard of you. What qualifies you to present such an important solution? What titles, positions, credits, degrees, and awards do you hold to your name? Why should I listen to what you have to say?

Q: ​What does ‘8SOW’ mean?

* More questions addressed and answered...

A sample of the questions that address

Q: What are the guiding principles of the FWCFR?

Q: What type of democracy is the FWCFR based upon?

Q: Is the FWCFR a form of centralized government?

Q: Does Mundus-S do away with the nation-state?

Q: Does the FWCFR form a unitary state?

Q: Does the FWCFR formed under Mundus-S comprise a ‘superstate’?

Q: Does Mundus-S create an omnipotent 'super-government’?

Q: Does the FWCFR represent a single superpower and a global community?

Q: Does a political hierarchy exist within FWCFR?

Q: A single federal government means all the law and order eggs are essentially in one basket. This setup is potentially very risky. If by some unprecedented, uncalculated calamitous act the federal government’s command infrastructure is wiped out, mayhem would fall across the land
and chaos would reign. The soundness of this design is questionable. Is the FWCFR prepared and equipped to deal with a 'loss of government' scenario?

Q: ​Is it accurate to say the FWCFR is the sovereign power of the world?

* More questions addressed and answered...

A sample of the questions that address

Q: Is Mundus-S an authoritarian style of government?

Q: Is Mundus-S form an autocracy or dictatorship?

Q: Does Mundus-S provide the people with a ‘safe’ form of government?

Q: Is Mundus-S a plan for world domination?

Q: A single, government ruling over the entire planet; this sounds tyrannical...Orwellian…scary. How do you respond to the assertion that Mundus is actually an elitist plot to command and control the world?

Q: With only one standing army in all the world, what prohibits the military from usurping the federal government replacing it authoritarian a rule? For that matter, what prevents the federal government from deploying the military against the citizenry, imposing military rule across the land, and subjugating the people? What checks and balances keep the military in line?

Q: I’m not buying into any of this; I don’t trust it. Mundus-S's flowery promises of free world democracy and more are all too-good-to-be-true lies intended to cajole and win the support of the misinformed, gullible masses. The idea that the world civilization is on the verge of collapse and the human race is in danger of extinction is intended as a fear-mongering, scare tactic. A tactic perpetrated by pernicious, radical political and elitist elements intent on pushing their agenda of power and control. The proposed fair and just social system, unprecedented prosperity, the Camelot-like Free World Federal Republic is all some sort of trick; a power elite conspiracy plot to implement an authoritarian, if not totalitarian, Orwellian-like, One World Government which, once in power will impose its tyrannical rule over the Earth. What is your response to this assertion of Machiavellian conspiracy?

Q: Does Mundus-S create a new world order?

* More questions addressed and answered...

A sample of the questions that address

Q: Is Mundus-S a form of globalism?

Q: Does Mundus-S create a cosmopolitan society, a cosmopolitan world?

Q: Does Mundus-S support world integration? Does Mundus bring about the melding of all peoples, races, cultures, economic classes, etc. into one giant global melting pot?

Q: Does Mundus-S create a world empire? Does Mundus-S support imperialism?

Q: Is Mundus-S a ‘one-world government’?

Q: Does Mundus-S create a centrally planned world?

Q: ​Is Mundus-S a globalist movement?

* More questions addressed and answered...

A sample of the questions that address

Q: Is Mundus-S a form of democratic socialism or social democracy?

Q: Does Mundus-S create a single global class…a classless society similar to socialism?

Q: Is Mundus-S a form of communism?

Q: Where does Mundus-S stand with regards to the opposition to, or support of, social elite, ‘privileged’ classes, be they wealthy, political/ ruling, corporate, technological, intellectual, or otherwise?

Q: Does Mundus-S support corporations, mega-corporations, and international conglomerates?

* More questions addressed and answered...

A sample of questions addressed related to

Q: How does Mundus-S serve global social justice?

Q: Does Mundus-S form an egalitarian global society?

Q: Does Mundus-S support liberalism and libertarianism?

* More questions addressed and answered...

A sample of questions that address

Q: If everyone operates under the same government does Mundus-S make everyone the same? I am concerned I may be reduced to a cog in the ‘collective machine, and lose, perhaps even forced, to give up my individuality and identity.

Q: Does Mundus-S’s elective segregation program foster sectarianism? For that matter, does Mundus-S form a sectarian global society?

* More questions addressed and answered...

A sample of the questions that address

Q: Is Mundus-S a form of capitalism?

Q: Is Mundus-S a form of socialism?

Q: Does Mundus-S support economic globalization?

Q: How can Mundus-S create a more prosperous world when sustainability reforms, particularly those calling for marked reduced consumption, science and technology regulation, and decreased population size will result in less, or no growth, slow, or no progress, reduced wealth generation, and overall marked economic contraction? How does everyone make more money and enjoy better lifestyles?

* More questions addressed and answered...

A sample of the questions that address

Q: Does Mundus-S call for radical reformism?

Q: Does Mundus-S call for revolution?

Q: Does Mundus-S represent a 'New World Order’?

Q: Is Mundus a form of (progressive) radicalism?

* More questions addressed and answered...

A sample of the questions that address

Q: Will Mundus-S create a utopia on Earth?

Q: Will Mundus-S end poverty and hunger?

Q: How do you respond to the criticism that Mundus-S is a 'BS solution'? The plan fails from the get-go because it is based on flawed studies, biased analysis, inaccurate information, skewered statistics, and false data rendering its premise is unsound. Built upon falsities and lies, the whole thing is a bunch of bad baloney.

Q: How do you respond to the criticism that Mundus-S is an impractical solution, a fanciful idea that will never work in the real world?

Q: Sometimes there is an assumption that reform makes right. In truth, reform can fail and go wrong making a bad situation worse. How can you guarantee Mundus-S will not make things worse than they already are?

Q: Change but at what price? What is the cost of this reformative transformation? What toll must be paid for Mundus-S to succeed?

Q: Does Mundus-S create a new world order?

Q: ​Will Mundus-S bring about world peace?

* More questions addressed and answered...

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