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Technical Writing Bundle 3

4 eBooks to lift your tech writing career to a new orbit

4 eBooks in This Bundle

1) Writing for Mobile Platforms

The modern world is all about being mobile. From our laptops to our phones, we’re constantly on the move and consuming information as quickly as possible. This special report provides a comprehensive guide on how to write copy effectively for mobile applications. With the tools provided here, you can ensure your work reaches its target audience and make sure they're able to get the most out of your content no matter where they might be accessing it from.

56-pages | $29

2) Handbook of UX Writing

In today's digital age, where user interfaces have become integral to our daily lives, the role of UX writing has emerged as a crucial discipline. In this special report, we explore the fascinating world of UX writing, uncover its impact on user interfaces, and dive into the key principles and challenges faced by professionals in this field.

53-pages | $29

3) How to Find a Technical Writing Job

A special report jampacked with facts, ideas, and suggestions to help you find a job as a technical writer.

Chapters include how much training you need, selected technical writing tasks, various types of technical writing jobs available, typical technical writing positions, the importance of preparing a portfolio, end-user documentation, UX writing positions, white paper opportunities, and much more!

30 pages | $19

4) Important Questions to Ask Before and After Writing a Document

If you start your writing project with a wrong answer or assumption, that may lead to serious difficulties at the document distribution and/or printing stage. It’s much better to answer these questions properly at the beginning of your writing project than regretting the results later. The questions you must ask after you finish the project (including those that you should ask your printer) are important as well. Here are 30 BEFORE and 16 AFTER questions, plus, 21 PRINTING Questions in an easy-to-use table format to improve your documentation planning and increase your transparency and accountability as a professional writer.

14-Pages | $9

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Technical Writing Bundle 3

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At their original list prices, the 4 bundled offers would cost $29 + $29 + $19 + $9, for a total of $86.

Now it can be yours for only $43!

Buy today and save a whopping 50% while this super sale is still on!

This Technical Writing 3 Bundle Includes

Here are all the products that are included in your bundle



Handbook of UX Writing




