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Chu ♡ - 3.0 + PHYS + QUEST

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[ 00:28 ━━━━━⬤───── 03:10 ]

running around, crawling on the ground

jump around and let your nose twitch!


RELEASE UR INNER PUPPY GIRL WITH CHU!!!!! i acc did a couple things on this avi i havent done in the past! i hope you like her :))))) いぬいぬいぬいぬいぬいぬいぬいぬいぬ~~~~~~~



  • 🌈 RGB hue shift! (shirt, bows, eyes)
  • 👚Texture swaps (latex, hoodie, skirt, leg warmers, nails, shoes)
  • 3 skin tones (fair, tan, dark), 2 hair options (loop hair & heart braids), 3 hair colours for each style
  • 2 interactable contacts! (smiling when given headpats, pouting when pulling leash)
  • Free-flowing skirt (yes im making this it's own feature bc damn its so CUTE)
  • Physics where they should be 👀
  • Ready to upload scene and FBX included!



Download size: 73.19MB

Texture memory: 144.87MB


  • Create a fresh project using VCC
  • Import the included shader
  • Open the upload scene by clicking the OPEN ME icon in the project folder
  • Upload!

if you are having a hard time uploading, please watch my tutorial on youtube


By buying this avatar, you are agreeing to the following:

You WILL NOT re-distribute this product and it's files to other individuals UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE.

You WILL NOT upload a version of this avatar publicly.

You WILL NOT claim this avatar as your own work, even if you heavily edit it.

You WILL NOT gatekeep this avatar if you post it on social media.

You WILL show me your edits in my server or on instagram! i would love to see 🥺

You WILL fill in the required fields at purchase CORRECTLY.

This is a digital product, no refunds whatsoever.

If you are kicked, banned or blacklisted from my server (The Citadel by miki) for any reason you are not allowed to buy, use, or access my assets.

If you are found to be breaking any of these terms I will block you from my shop with no warning.


Body (my edit, no reuse)

Head (sivhka edit + my edit)

Hair Loops Heart Braids

Ears + Tail


Hoodie + Skirt

Arm Warmers + Leg Warmers

Garters (Free in server)

Nails (nitro)





Hair Texture

Body Texture + Fishnet Texture

Eye Texture

Toggles created with AV3Creator

Showcasers - Ivac, Melo, Nyxie, Saturn

Showcase editor - Bledynn

Renders + Toggle Showcase - me smile :)

If I've missed any credits please don't hesitate to contact me


Have suggestions or questions? Feel free to contact me through my discord server!