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1. The Russian State is one and indivisible.
4. The All-Russian EMPEROR owns the Supreme Autocratic Power. To obey HIS authority, not only out of fear, but also out of conscience, God Himself commands.
5. The person of the EMPEROR is sacred and inviolable.
25. The Imperial All-Russian Throne is hereditary.
53. Upon the death of the Emperor, His Heir ascends the Throne by the very law of succession, which grants Him this right. The accession to the Throne of the Emperor is considered from the day of the death of His predecessor.
55. Allegiance to the allegiance to the reigning Emperor and His rightful Heir, even though he was not named in the manifesto, is affirmed by a popular oath.
57. Upon accession to the Throne, the sacred coronation and chrismation is performed according to the order of the Orthodox Greco-Russian Church.
61. The Russian State Emblem is in a golden shield a black, double-headed eagle crowned with two Imperial crowns, above which is a third, the same, in a larger form, with two fluttering ends of the ribbon of the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. The state eagle holds a golden scepter and orb. On the chest of the eagle is the coat of arms of Moscow: in a scarlet shield, the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, on horseback, slaying the dragon with a golden spear.
62. The leading and dominant faith in the Russian Empire is the Christian Orthodox Catholic Eastern Confession.
63. The Emperor, who possesses the All-Russian Throne, cannot profess any other faith than the Orthodox.
64. The Emperor, like the Christian Sovereign, is the supreme protector and guardian of the dogmas of the dominant faith, and the guardian of orthodoxy and every holy deanery in the Church.
65. In the administration of the Church, the Autocratic Authority acts through the Holy Governing Synod, established by It.
70. The defense of the Throne and the Fatherland is the sacred duty of every Russian subject.
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