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ECU02_Repair Course Study Guide(T)

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1-objective of the system
2-digital central
3-central simulator
4-analyze wave forms of signals: analog dc voltage; ac voltage; frequency modulated ; modulated pulse width; serial data
10-interpreting wave forms
11-testing of components
*zener diode or rectifier
*voltage regulator
*rectifier diode test
* bipolar transistors (npn, pnp)
*processor,eprom test,socket 27c512; socket for plants bosch mp9.0, eprom reprogramming
* bi-fuel socket for delco control units,central table test, power test 12v and 5v
12- rework on smd plates
* smd plate rework
* 28-types of smd components
* 29-smd components rework station
* 30-smd desoldering
31-SMD welding - Step 1
32-SMD welding - Step 2
33-SMD welding - Step 3
34-SMD welding - Step 4
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