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It's time to get organized so you can make progress on your goals.

Let's shoot for the moon!

Know YOUR dream & HOW to make it REALITY!

Sound Familiar?

You woke up this morning thinking, "Here we go again."

You get up and go through the motions of trying to get things done. Looking at your to-do list that keeps growing without getting anything checked off.

Then the inner critic chimes in, beating yourself up because no matter what you try, you just can't seem to get your -ish together.

You know if you could just get organized you would start crossing off those to-do's. Maybe you could even start doing something that you've been wanting to do for awhile but:

  • there's never enough time
  • life keeps getting in the way
  • you're not sure where to start
  • they would judge me

So you keep going and are constantly busy, in-fact exhausted, but you still aren't making progress.

This exhaustion begins to impact more areas of life. Your fuse is shorter, everything seems to be breaking down, and you just don't recognize yourself anymore.

What if I told you...

it doesn't have to be like this.

Imagine what it will be like WHEN:

  • You wake up with a clear plan of what needs to be done and when
  • Certainty and purpose replaces the dread
  • You're making progress and working WITH your strengths instead of against them
  • Unplanned events no longer derail your progress
  • You get to do the things you love without the guilt
  • Things seem to just fall into place
  • You go to bed at night satisfied with your day and eager for what the next day will bring.

You finally feel like, "I've got this."

Hey, I'm Doris

I'm a life strategist and certified life coach. I help people to create and implement systems and routines that give them structure and balance all while aligning it in a way that fits their life rather than trying to fit their life into a system that was built for someone else. Then they can finally make progress on their goals without burning out before they have a chance to enjoy their success.


Although each of my clients struggled differently and were working in different areas of their lives (business, household, or even relationships) there were some common themes in the obstacles they ran into. Those themes were often a combination of mindset and structure.

The same things I had dealt with, myself, years before.

Without a system, guidance, objective support, and accountability - making progress toward any goal was overwhelming and felt impossible.

Together, we could work through their limiting beliefs, up-level their mindset, and work to create an individualized plan to make progress.


Although I would love to work privately with everyone, there just isn't enough hours in the week. So I had to find a system that could work with most of my clients. I wanted something that would be easy to follow, repeatable, and proven.

That's when someone mentioned their moon cycle - and the lightbulb went off.

Throughout my life, a word that has often been used to describe me is "organized". I have systems, processes and procedures for nearly everything - so what if I could use moon energies for productivity and progress towards goals?


I learned about working with the cyclical superpowers we have. This is an ancient and proven concept where ancestral women used seasons, solar and lunar cycles in all areas of their lives.

Even so, I tested it to see if it held true. First, I tested it on myself, then I used it with clients incorporating a few tweaks to include what I learned in my certification and personalization.

My findings? Wow! This system exceeds my expectations.


Clients were far more productive, with comments like this program "just organized my whole life." Or that they "don't feel guilty for my choices anymore."

Now I want to teach it to you.

Introducing Moonshot Club

A moonshot is your ultimate goal. When you're shooting for the moon. Each person has their own highly individualized goal. It might be a world-changing mission like JFK's goal (that named this term) to land on the moon. Or maybe it's a mom's desire to rediscover herself. Whatever your moonshot is...

Moonshot Club was built to help you land your moonshot without burning out along the way.

Tap into the ancestral system of using the moon's phases as a repeatable process for creating a success mission to build your dream life while avoiding a burnout strategy.

What if there was a way where you could :

  • stop putting off your goals 
  • stop wishing for a better situation
  • get guidance to break free from overwhelm
  • take charge and create the life you've been dreaming of

☄️Don't let your dreams end when you wake up.

✨Don't let not knowing what to do stop you from getting the tools to move forward.

🚀Join us so we can help you to create YOUR action plan to shoot for the moon!

We can support each other, learn from everyone’s experiences, and celebrate our wins together.

Is Moonshot Club For You?

  • Are YOU ready to move forward on your dreams?
  • Do YOU want to take your desires from the back burner to the front and make something happen?
  • Do YOU have a connection with the moon and want to use its energies to propel you forward?
  • Are YOU ready to challenge your belief systems to create a life you love?
  • Are YOU someone who achieves more with structure and accountability?

If any of these describe you - then it's likely Moonshot Club is for you.

How will this happen?

We work together to expand on your moonshot or ultimate goal. I teach you, live, how to break the goal down into an action plan that works for YOU and is guided by the moon's phases.

While you work the plan, we'll get together weekly (for 10 weeks) to overcome any obstacles and break down the barriers to your goal. Through optional check-ins, coaching calls, and e-coaching, you get the amount of support and accountability YOU need to stay on track.


We have the support of other people just like you in our community, not to mention access to e-coaching (digital coaching you can access 24/7) and a growing library of tools.

Whether your dream is big or small... It is valid. It is possible.

Change is hard. With the right support, imagine where you will be in 3 months.

This is your invitation to shoot for the moon!

Choose Your Package

Choose the package that best suits your desires.

If you have questions or need help selecting a plan, contact me You can also DM me on Facebook or Instagram.

Fall Crew Package

Join the crew. We launch our moonshot on Sept 23, 2024. We'll take 10 weeks to learn the tools to clarify your moonshot, break it down into an action plan, then coach through the implementation and journey together.

Lifetime Access

Lifetime access to the Moonshot Club.

This is an opportunity to dip in and out as you grow into new iterations of yourself. You will receive everything included currently and anything we add going forward for a one-time fee and your access will NEVER expire - even if the cost increases.
You can be assured that this is a tool you will always have in your back pocket.

What's Inside