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FREE! Chapter 3 ONLY of the book "Zimbabwe's Financial Revolt : A Retrospective Analysis of Economic Policies from 1980 to 2020 and Suggestions for Alternative Approaches."

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This is an excerpt of the book Zimbabwe's Financial Revolt: A Retrospective Analysis of Economic Policies from 1980 to 2020 and Suggestions for Alternative Approaches. It is the whole Chapter 3 of the 25 Chapter Book and we provide this Chapter bereft of copyright infringement as we feel the period covered and the topics therein are of material value to the general discourse of Zimbabwe's development. Far from providing a know-it-all-approach, the chapter posits more questions than definite postulations, as a contribution to the discussion of the important first decade of Zimbabwe's democracy.

We did not shy away from the emotive, and quite polarising topic of "Gukurahundi". But, unlike most texts around this topic, (and also spurred on by my finance background), we did not take the well trodden route of looking at Gukurahundi from a perspective of "human rights atrocities" but from an angle of economic consequences, which not only affect one group or one location, but everyone everywhere and for longer.

We provide the Chapter for NO fee! Just log on and enter "0" as your payment value and then click "Buy Now" download your copy. If you so wish to donate, however, please feel free to do so and key in your amount, then proceed to download the document accordingly.

To those who manage to donate, thank you so much for your generosity! Your kindness and support is greatly appreciated, and your contribution will assist immensely towards funding future content. To those who can not, we understand and appreciate everyone's circumstances. More importantly, we thank you for taking the time to read this piece and help proliferate it to allow for informed, non-belligerent, engagement with others. Which can only be a good thing and if that is attributable to this article then your contribution in reading is even more generous.

For any comments, additions, subtractions, suggestions or any other "tions" that come to your mind, please forward them to " "

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