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ONE by Blake Butler, Vanessa Place, & Christopher Higgs

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by Blake Butler & Vanessa Place
Assembled by Christopher Higgs

In the collaboration, ONE, memories of a one-legged father and acts of jurisprudence haunt the creature who writhes and writes from one waking nightmare to another. Poet Vanessa Place wrote an internal monologue while Blake Butler wrote an external fact-based work and then Christopher Higgs assembled the two into a single chimerical text. Dennis Cooper likens this work to Ashbery and Schuyler’s Nest of Ninnies as "integrated as any single-minded novel I can think of but with this absolutely crazy mega-wattage." ONE publishes a fanzine of centuries of pathetic human fiascoes for our bedtime delectation.

Blake Butler is the author of Nothing, and several other works. He lives in Atlanta.

Vanessa Place writes poetry, prose and art criticism; she is also a criminal lawyer and co-director of Les Figues Press.

Christopher Higgs wrote The Complete Works of Marvin K. Mooney, a novel. He is also a literary critic, independent curator and educator.

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