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JaspWrld Workout Program

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(PLEASE READ BEFORE PURCHASING): Once your purchase is complete you will instantly get access to the pdf. Immediately download the pdf into your phone or computer. If there are any questions or concerns, please email me at with proof of purchase that is sent to your email. Note: the receipt will come from paypal.

This program includes:
-Meal Guide
-Determining Cals
-Workout Demos
-Workout Program
-and More

Hello, welcome to my program (PUSH, PULL, LEGS)

This program is the program that I personally do. I would say that this program is geared towards gaining strength and muscle mass. When I am cutting, I manipulate it to gear towards shredding and keep the same split. The program is a 6 day split where you hit each muscle group twice a week with Sunday being the rest day. Now you do not have to follow the same exact schedule as me and you can move the rest day around wherever is most convenient to you. I focus on progressive overload because that is the best way to gain size. Progressive overload is increasing your weight, reps or volume every single week or every other week depending on what you focus on for your progress. Now in this program, we focus on the progress of the weight. By the end of the 12 weeks you should see a significant gain in your strength and muscle mass. Even though I’ve been doing this program for a few years now, it is still difficult for me at times but consistency and discipline is key. Whether you finish a whole workout or do half, keep going and show up everyday because in time it will all be worth it. Progress is not linear and there will be times where you feel like you're not progressing. Keep going and you'll be able to over come it and see the results. Peace, Love, and Gains!
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