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The Instagram Traffic Takeover Online Workshop...

A 5 day video course to help dominate Instagram

You will be immersed in everything related to marketing on Instagram....

 I'm going to take you by the hand and show you every single step you need to take to syphon all the traffic your business needs from this Internet giant!

Here's What You're Going To Learn In The Instagram Traffic Takeover Workshop...

Day 1: Traffic Battle Plan Creation

Before you even get started you absolutely MUST have a plan. Today we will cover EVERYTHING you need to know about Instagram. All the different parts of it (Posts, Reels, IGTV, Stories), how you want to use Instagram for traffic, and getting your Instagram profile setup so you can get the most traffic!

By the end of today you will know everything you need to know about HOW Instagram works, have a complete plan on how YOU are going to use it to get traffic, AND have an optimized profile ready to suck all the traffic possible out of Instagram.

Day 2: The Hashtag Traffic Strategy Formula

The quickest and easiest way to get a ton of followers on Instagram is to use the CORRECT hashtags. Today we will spend going over how hashtags are used, HOW to find the best ones to get the most and highest quality followers, how many to use, how often, and so much more.

By the end of today you will have your very own customer hashtag strategy, know when, where, and how to use them. And be on track for getting a ton of followers simply by using hashtags using my personal formula!

Day 3: Your Instagram Content For Traffic Plan

Content is the secret ingredient that gets people OFF of Instagram and into YOUR business. Today we will cover the different kinds of content you can post on Instagram, where to get that content, and the specific uses of different kinds of content.

Content can be used to get followers, get people into your business, build relationships and so much more and after today you'll know what content to use and when. Plus I'll show you how to quickly and easily create a TON of traffic getting content especially for Instagram.

By the end of today you'll have an Instagram profile full of content and know exactly what to do day to day to keep using content to get followers and traffic into your business!

Day 4: Your First 1,000 Followers

And this is where the magic happens! To get traffic from Instagram you've got to have followers who are interested in you and what you have to offer. Today I will show you every tactic I know for getting your first 10,000 followers on Instagram.

Imagine having thousands upon thousands of followers that you can direct to anything you want in your business? That's traffic on demand!

By the end of today you will know exactly what to do to start on your first goal of 1,000 followers who are interested in YOU and what YOU have to offer!

Day 5: The Day To Day Instagram Traffic Plan

Today we will wrap things up and create a customized plan for YOU on what you need to be doing each day on Instagram to get traffic 24/7 from your efforts.

Thanks to technology I'll show you how to automatically post content to Instagram daily (saving you LOADS of time) and then all the little things you need to do in just an hour a day to keep the traffic coming into your business!

By the end of today you will be an Instagram expert and have all the know how to use Instagram to create a never ending stream of traffic into your business!

Get all this for just $17!

Instagram training
