Spa-Tacular Social Media Visibility Calendar 2024
You are making a DIGITAL PRODUCT PURCHASE, that you can download as soon as you have purchased!
Introducing The Spa-Tacular Social Media Visibility Calendar,
its 365+ days worth of prompts that you can use to reduce the overwhelm….Imagine how much easier it will be to share on SM now, with this in your back pocket!
I have also included Special days & Months to celebrate throughout the year, PLUS all the important Spa/Beauty/Wellness Days related to our industry!
To give you some examples,
January 8th is national bubble bath day; you could promote your bath/body products (OR ASK them if they prefer Bubbles or salts)
May is Melanoma Month
June 21st is Selfie day
Yup there 365+ of these awesome gems to help you gain visibility & grow your authority!
Get yours today for ONLY $75+tax.
That works out to 20 CENTS a DAY, isn't your peace of mind worth .20C?
Imagine what you coud do with an extra 60+ HOURS a year??
Make a LOT of extra money! 💎💲Ka-Chiing
Thank you so much for your purchase of this Spa365 Calendar!
Excited for you to access it & start attracting your ideal clients & make your Social Media posting waaay EASIER! It will no doubt save you so many tedious hours of searching!
In Gratitude,
Tazeem Jamal, Spa Biz Coach
💎Check out my full site of awesome digital downloads & classes