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Sneaker Restoration startup kit ( Patent Leather Repair )

On Sale
Added to cart Pro deodorizer Demo 

$50 total in savings 

This package will include

1 step by step Patent leather repair ebook 📚

simply add this item to your cart to get a 100% free code. If you would like the Reglue ebook please choose the REGLUE restoration kit package .

2 4 oz bottles of glue 1 clear 1 regular.

2 oz bottle of glue thinner for glue recovery.

1 reglue kit all accessories included  plastic knives , needles , glue eraser , brush etc...

2 glue erasers 

1 medium pack of Nubuck renewal powder

1 oz Nubuck Sealer.

1 oz Patent leather Paint triple thick

1 oz Black Patent Ultra Sealer

3 pieces of Sandpaper for prep

2 paint detail bottles & needles

3 types of cleaning brushes

1 large suede brush

 2 oz concentrated cleaning solution 

1 4 oz bottle of pro deodorizer

1 small spray bottle