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How to Interpret Dreams: How to react to night dreams

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If you are always clueless, terrified and worried whenever you have a night dream, you need to check out the information in this book on how you can begin to interpret dreams.

Night dreams are God’s ways of revealing secrets or giving out important information to us, His creations. The book of Daniel shows in Daniel 2:19, "Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision". 

This was a dream God showed him to reveal and explain Nebuchadnezzar's dream of Daniel 2:1. Daniel, himself in Daniel 2:28 referred to God as Someone who reveals secrets. This was after he was ready to explain the dream he had to Nebuchadnezzar.

The secret to inform, instruct, warn and show you the future can be wrapped up in a dream! We saw lots of this in the old testament of the bible.

Please download this book today to see scriptural and practical revelation of how you can begin to react to your night dreams. 

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