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Let me dissolve whatever is between you and your desire!

The ONLY reason you don't have what you desire yet is because YOU HAVE A LIMITING BELIEF.

This could be related to your self-concept or the desire itself, but we will get to the root of it together!

After our session (Video Call) I will give you tailor-made alignment exercises to practice daily UNTIL your desire manifests.

You will also get 3 days of email follow up with me.

Hi, I'm Ameera.

And I have manifested my way from broke, homeless, depressed, suicidal, and basically rock bottom to...

Financially independent, secure, living my purpose and passion daily.

How did I do it?

2 very simple ideas...

  • Dissolve Limiting Beliefs between me and my desires.
  • Change my self-concept so that when my desires manifest, they stay. For good!

Do you have a desire that's just not manifesting?

I can help you dissolve what's between you and your desire.

Sign up for a session below.

Book Your Session


Dissolve Limiting Beliefs
between you and your desire!

Frequently Asked Questions

If I'm not happy with my purchase can I get a refund?

No refunds will be given. All sales are final.

How does appointment scheduling work?

When you've completed your purchase you'll be emailed to set up a date and time for your appointment.

I have multiple desires. Do we do them all in one session?

Absolutely not. Focus is key and for that reason we only focus on one desire at a time. You are welcome to book as many sessions as you want.

Returning clients get 20% off.

What subjects do you coach on?

Abundance/ Money/ Business/ Job related desires ONLY.