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Monthly Card Reading - October 2023

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After last month's invitation to 'just begin', this month we're being encouraged to contonue walking forward. Only this month comes with additional pre-reading guidance advising us that, in the month of October, you will be stretched. This isn't going to be a walk in the park. However, when you choose to follow the guidance shared, the rewards you reap will be amazing.

This month's reading is an 8-part, 9-card reading (with an additional 3 pre-reading cards designed to set the scene), providing insight into the month ahead, the collective energy, what you should let go of and open up to, what action to take... and so much more.

As with all my monthly card readings, the message shared with us by the angels and our spirit team through the Gateway Oracle deck by Denise Linn, artwork by Jesse Reisch.

The card reading lasts 56 minutes.

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You will get a MP4 (2GB) file

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