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Developing Self Awareness Workbook (PDF)

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If you want to develop yourself to your fullest potential, you must master the art of self-awareness. On this path of personal exploration, you’ll discover both positive and negative things about yourself. Some of them may surprise you. This 15 page printable workbook is a bite sized practical learning guide with no fluff or fillers for quick reading and implementation.

Imagine if You Could - Conquer your Fear of Failure/ Win the Game of  Weight Loss/ Proscration/ Self Esteem etc.... How? By Innercising. What is Innercise™? Innercise™ is a scientifically proven methodology to train & strengthen your mental & emotional skills. Find out here.

This guide takes you through the following journey of self discovery:-

How do the following aspects impact and inform your self awareness:

- Your goals
- Your values
- Your beliefs
- Your achievements
- Your challenges

By looking at :

- Your personality type
- How flexible are you
- Your negative traits
- What role do your perceptions play
- Things to watch for when there's conflict


Strategies on how to be your best self and ways to develop your self awarenes.
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