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Starting a business "Coming Soon"

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Where do I begin?

How do I begin?

Do I even have the skills to start my own business?

These are the most common questions that my clients ask me or on the contrary these are some of the statements that you say to yourself, it's almost like your talking yourself out of starting your business. Then years go by life happens and you think its too late. I'm telling you that It's never too late to start a business! This eBook is a brilliant guide on the beginning stages of starting your business.

This book begins on learning how to brainstorm ideas for your business, whether you want to sell a product or service? Understanding the difference between the two as well as the psychological thought process you need to start running your own successful business. Thinking about whether there a gap in the market that you can fill? Consider your passions, skills, and expertise.

I hope you enjoy the book.

Coaching With Leticia

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