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On May 6, you will be testing your 3RM (3 rep max) on the squat, bench press, deadlift and chin-up, as well as doing a 1 mile timed trail run!

At the BR365 Strength Lab and as a coach and fitness enthusiasts for over 2 decades, I have seen what real strength looks like, so much so, that I have created "Strength Standards" that a fit, strong, resilient body should strive for. Regardless of the numbers you hit, you are taking a step to challenge yourself in the pursuit of realizing you near max strength and for that, I applaud you.

I am looking forward to seeing you crush out some numbers - new PR's - in a room full of high energy, hype and contagious "get after it" vibes.

Event Details:

3 Attempts:

Back Squat

Bench Press

Deadlift (Trap Bar)


*1 Mile Trail Run (timed, 1 time)

Goal is to peak on your third attempt, ideally aiming for a new 3 Rep Max Personal Record

Saturday, May 6th, 2023

8 AM - 11 AM

315 Brock Rd, Dundas - BR365 Strength Lab

(Lots of breaks & down-time as we cheer on other lifters), as we move through each lift as a group.

Prizes for First, Second & Third Place will be given out. Results based on automated software calculations that take body weight and weight lifted and determine the rankings.

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1 Time Event Fee
