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Women Who Flow

We equip women in building thriving business that flow with ease.

Let's work together to leverage your gifts, purpose and expertise to create digital courses.

Why is a life of F.L.O.W calling you?

The Women Who Flow community was cultivated from the desire to retire myself from the burn out of service base work and brick & mortar ownership. I found myself never actually adapting the work smarter method, but became a slave to my business, missing time with my family and so much more.

A life of business leisure was calling me and people said I was being lazy, but i felt something inside of me that FLOW was real.

You may be feeling the same tug as I did. You may be:

  1. Desiring to work less but make more money.
  2. Have a business that doesn't require constant contact.
  3. You want to really use the gifts God gave you to help and impact other people lives.

What is WWF?

The WWF community dedicated to support and equip women in building thriving business that flow with ease and efficiency. By leveraging their gifts, purpose and expertise by creating "Sleep Coin Money" through passive income methods like digital products.

What does F.L.O.W feel like?

The F.L.O.W framework consist of 4 elements:

F: Freedom

L: Leverage

O: Online Opportunities

W: Wealth

Turn your Gifts, Purpose and Expertise into Digital Money

Enrollment Open Now

Program Starting September 1, 2023

Program outline:

  • F.L.O.W Mindset Support
  • F.L.O.W Course Topic Mastermind
  • Live Group Strategy + Q&A
  • Portal Platform Setup
  • Course Buildout Support
  • Access to Online Course curriculum
  • Momentum Planning

VIP Expand Your Platform Bonuses

  • Podcast 101
  • Build your Youtube Channel

What will you walk away with?

  • Clarity on how to turn your gift , purpose or expertise into online money.
  • Launch strategy to sell online course.
  • Online course on platform ready to sell.
  • Online
  • Access to a family of women that are like minded.

Meet Dior Lucas

Dior Lucas is the owner the Women who Flow coaching community, along several spas, retired NFL massage therapist, and has built a million dollars brand. Shwe has taken her life experience and help women entrepreneurs build their spas and build online business.

Are you interested? Answer these questions below.

Please fill out the form below to help guide your coaching session.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does appointment scheduling work?

When you've completed purchasing, you'll be able to login to your coaching account and can find out the next steps required to book a time for your appointment from there.

Is it possible to buy coaching more than once?

For sure! You simply need to purchase coaching again and will be able to get access to another set of coaching sessions.