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Cancer: The Last Gamble

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About the book

Vincent Coppola, Matt Strelecki and Stan Winokur wrote a book called The Big Casino. It contains forty-two articles written by many America’s top cancer doctors. They shared stories that they cannot forget about their cancer patients. The title of the book, The Big Casino, suggests that patients seeking treatments in the hospitals in America are not much different than gamblers going to the casinos in Las Vegas or Macau! This book in your hand is also about a casino — the hospital-casino. Patients and their families put in their bet — some having to sell their houses or land to do so, in the hope that the treatment they get in the casino-hospital will make their loved ones well again. That’s the gamble they are told to take. The fate of cancer patients is determined by the roll of the dice. And the Vested Interests want us to believe that the present-day cancer treatment is a proven, scientific method!


All gamblers know that they cannot win all the time. In fact, you lose more often than you win in this cancer game. Let us examine the reality of going to the casino-hospital.

·       Know The Odds.

Allen Rose, vice-president of Glaxo-SmithKline said: Drugs for cancer are only effective in 25 percent of the patients.(

Tito Fojo, Professor of Medicine at Columbia University (in Cancer World) said: New drugs being approved for treatment of ... cancer are providing an average of only 2.5 months of extra life ... delivering marginal benefits to patients at great cost. Between one and two thirds of cancer therapies approved for solid tumours in the US and in Europe may be harming as many patients as they help.

·   Know the Rules Of the Game.

Dr. James Forsythe (in The Compassionate Oncologist) said: According to Big Pharma and the cancer industry, death from chemotherapy is acceptable as long as standard chemo protocol has been adhered to.

·   Know the Basis Of How They Treat You.

According to Dr. James Forsythe (in The Compassionate Oncologist): Oncologists routinely administer powerful toxic chemotherapy drugs to cancer patients based on statistical probabilities that these drugs will have a positive effect ... if they are wrong, as often happens, the patient is essentially taking a poison without any beneficial effects.

Dr. C. Kent Osborne of the Baylor College of Medicine (in Los Angeles Times, 1 Oct. 2011) explained the reality of the one-size-fits-all treatment protocol this way: Everybody was treated the same way, despite the fact that we knew some patients did well no matter what we did and other patients did poorly and died no matter what we did.

·   Know the Possible Outcome of Your Gamble.

Dr. John Lee (in What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Breast Cancer) said: The use of chemotherapy is purely a gamble. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn’t, and sometimes it makes things worse.

Dr. Candace Pert (in Molecules of Emotion) said: State-of-the-art chemotherapy ... was nothing more than different combinations of the same toxic drugs given in different schedules ... It continues to kill more people every year, often a slow painful death ... by toxic treatments.

Dr. David Agus (in The End of Illness) said: If you come to me for help in treating advanced cancer detected late in the game, your game is likely to be over soon. I say it because it’s the truth ... It’s a shame that the technology and innovation in medical research and treatments are so archaic, outdated and dare I say, in some cases barbaric.

·   Why Treat When There Is No Cure? Everybody Feels Good, Heroic Effort!

Dr. H. Gilbert Welch, an academic physician and professor at Dartmouth Medical School (in Less Medicine, More Health) said:

·   The reason for taking action is very compelling. The most obvious force promoting action is money the more they do, the more they are paid, you eat what you kill.

·   The hospitals express their financial interests to their physicians by measuring (and rewarding) physician “productivity” do more.

·   Patients who have paid for comprehensive insurance ... they want to get their money’s worth.

·   Doing something concrete ... can make patients feel ... cared for.

·   Patients don’t always get better. Doctors, families and patients all like to be able to say “At least we tried... fought a courageous battle.”

When you walk into the hospital for your medical treatment, is it just like walking into a Big Casino? But most likely you may not feel that way. You believe that you are going to be given the best that modern medicine has to offer. However, remember that you are taking the bet of your life either you come out alive; or mutilated, tortured or dead. No one can tell the outcome for sure.

In my earlier book, Ignorance Kills, Empty promises and crushed hopes, I documented stories of patients who have lost their bet. They not only lost a lot of money but also their lives. Their secrets remain unknown, buried in their graves.

Fortunately, some patients did not die mutilated or tortured, probably yes. Just to be able to come out of the casino-hospital alive is already a blessing. Some patients realized their “mistakes” when the treatment failed. They had the courage to take a new turn ... a new path to heal their cancers. In this book, I share with you stories of those patients.

In trying to select stories in line with the title of the book, I took time to let my mind wander freely. In quietness, I started to have names flowing into my head. These are patients who came to seek our help after medical treatments have failed them. Somehow, they got to know us and I shall tell you how and they wanted us to help them. I must admit, when my wife and I started CA Care in 1995, we never realised that we too were building a casino The Casino of the Last Resort. We started with one patient, Ben. The next week, Ben brought along VJ, a lung cancer patient. Soon more and more came to put their “bet” with us.

When we started CA Care, I must confess that my knowledge of cancer was an absolute zero! But I also know that CA Care is the result of my answered prayer God showed me what I can do to help others.  I believe God answered this prayer in ways beyond our expectation and dreams. I did my best to read and read and for what I still don’t know, God please help me. Up to this day, I have never given up reading books written by both medical doctors and alternative practitioners. But my real teachers, whom I learned from are our patients. As more and more patients come to us, the more I learned. The healings obtained by our patients who followed our therapy were very inspiring. Their successes were rewards that kept us going.


During our early years operating our Casino of the Last Resort, there were many patients who impacted me. Their experiences helped me come up with some basic principles of healing cancer. Let me share the stories of four patients. Although they have all died, I still remember them.


Introduction: Hope for the Hopeless  1               

Chapter 1: Heart Sarcoma: Tumour gone 18

Chapter 2:  Nose Cancer: Don’t do chemo you die 26

Chapter 3:  Cervical Cancer: Gave up chemo and radiation  42

Chapter 4: Ovarian-Lung Cancer: No hope 53

Chapter 5:  Breast Cancer: They gave up chemo 59

Chapter 6:  Liver Cancer: 4 cm out, 8 cm tumour in 66

Chapter 7:  Colon Cancer: Almost died due to infection   74  

Chapter 8:  Colon-Liver Cancer: Story of my buddy 79

Chapter 9:  Ovarian Cancer: She gave up chemotherapy 85

Chapter 10:  Lymphoma: They gave up chemo 99

Chapter 11: Prostate: Herbs made them well 110

Chapter 12:  Lymphoma: I want to dig my own grave 115

Chapter 13: Brain Cancer: In a coma 124

Chapter 14: Leukemia:  Herbs helped 135

Chapter 15: Metastatic Lung Cancer: Almost died 148

Chapter 16: Lung-Brain Cancer: An impossible healing 159

Chapter 17: Bone Cancer: A Miraculous Healing 175



Chris K. H. Teo. Ph.D. was a former Professor of Botany. In May 1995, he and his wife Beng Im started CA Care. Our mission is to help the hopeless and helpless cancer patients find their healing. When you are told that you have no hope, we believe that there is still hope. To know more click these links: (English) (Bahasa Indonesia)

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