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Putting On Your Internet Marketing Spy Glasses

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Don't be afraid to learn from your enemies, as well
as your online competitors. The old saying
goes:”Keep your friends close, but your enemies
closer.” And, that applies even more to online
business competitors who can teach you how they
get the results you want to get for yourself, without
having to dig things up on your own.

Of course, you can't just go up to a competitor and
ask them for all their trade secrets. No one in their
right mind would ever divulge the secrets to their
business success, unless there was something in it
for them. However, unlike old-fashioned corporate
spying, online business spying does not require that
you engage in surveillance training and illegal theft
of company records. Instead, you can simply
choose to put on your Internet spy glasses and walk
the trail that your competitor has left you through
many of the same Internet tools that you've used
day in and day out, except this time, you will use
them to keep tabs on your competitors activities
online It may surprise you to know the types of
information you can dig up online on your
competitors' businesses. This can range from:


Not sure who is the target
demographic for your niche? Your competitor
knows and that information is also available for
you to uncover with just a click of a mouse.

• Popular Keywords

If your competitor knows what
Google keywords attract traffic and make money,
wouldn't you want to know? This is a simple thing
with various tools available that can quickly scan
pages and let you know what keywords it finds.

• Who Links To Them

The value of a website business is established by the number of incoming
links and what ranking these links happen to be.
There are a number of other variables, but you
don't need to know all the details. You just will learn
how to find out quickly who is linking to them
and then seek to get the same link for your own
website. Ans Lots more
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