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The Orthodox Word #3

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The Orthodox Word #3
79 Saint Job, Abbot of Pochaev by Archpriest A. T. Hoinatzky
93 The Miraculous Icons of the Mother of God: The Pochaev Mother of God by E. Poselyanin
100 Great Orthodox Hierarchs of the 19th & 20th Centuries: Archbishop Vitaly by Abbot Laurus
105 An Appeal from Pochaev Today
115 The Orthodox Spiritual Life: On Purity of Heart and Soul by Paissy Velichkovsky
117 Orthodoxy in the Contemporary World
120a New Books

Pochaev Monastery, to which this issue of The Orthodox Word is primarily devoted, has become a model for the defenders of Holy Orthodoxy. As their brothers three centuries ago stood firm against Catholic and Protestant persecutors, so the Pochaev monks today stand firm against the God-hating Communists. Their situation, even if not always in so acute a form, is the situation of every Orthodox Christian.
Never has the Church of Christ been so encompassed by enemies as today: in Eastern Europe, subject to the Communist yoke whose aim is the liquidation of the Church; in the free world, enticed by the false promises of ecumenism, holding out to unwary Orthodox the bait of a new "Union." This is truly the darkest hour in the history of the Orthodox Church.
But there is no cause for despair. The Church of Christ cannot be liquidated, for the gates of hell shall not prevail against it (St. Matthew 16: 18); and if there are false pastors and misled flocks who are prepared to renounce or change the unchanging Truth and tradition of Holy Orthodoxy in order to be absorbed into the approaching ecumenist "Union," there will yet be a faithful remnant who will witness Orthodox Truth even to martyrdom.
In a world which, in its fear and faint-heartedness, can speak only of "peace," Orthodox Christians are called upon to be warriors, as were the great Pochaev missionaries of the printed and spoken Orthodox word: St. Job in the 17th century, and Archbishop Vitaly in the 20th. They have set an example for us: in defence of Holy Orthodoxy, not to waver or compromise, but fearlessly to speak the truth.
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