Modern naturopathy course * eBook * Crudi Enric
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This intuitive natural health course will give you the opportunity to find the quick solutions for natural healing.
Table of contents
- The ten commandments.
- The ecology of the forests, gardens & towns.
- The top best healing herbs to thrive.
- The top best raw vegan superfoods to thrive.
- Natural diet & supplementation protocol.
- The best waters to drink.
- The best recipe for healthy mineralized bread.
- Natural immunizing protocol.
- How to make living juice-blends.
- How to make raw tea.
- The list for healing climate change.
- Twelve recipes that will change your life.
- Living medicinal tonics.
- Healing the mind, the heart & the nervous system.
- What God would do as president.
- Quick elemental raw vegan food preparation guide.
- Quick naturalistic lifestyle tips.
- Assesment with Crudi Enric.