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Latin I: Noun Adjective Agreement

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This resource is perfect for students in grades 7 and up who are beginning to learn Latin. This worksheet is designed to help students improve and test their understanding of how adjectives modify nouns in Latin. This worksheet is suited for a later Latin I student as it does include some 3rd declension vocabulary words. One or two questions involve matching a 1st/2nd declension adjective with a 3rd declension noun.

This resource is made to be used as homework, class assignments, or as a quiz or test. It is set up in a test format with 4 different versions to let you further adjust the difficulty as you please:

  1. Latin, English translation, multiple choice
  2. Latin only multiple choice
  3. Latin, English translation, write in
  4. Latin only write in

For both of the Latin only versions, the word that should be modified is in bold.

Subject: Noun-Adjective Agreement

Pages: 16 (20 questions w/ answers, 4 versions (listed above))

Difficulty: Latin I+

Concepts tested:

  • 1st and 2nd declension case endings
  • 1st and 2nd declension adjectives
  • Noun-adjective agreement
  • Some understanding of the 3rd declension (minimal)
  • Basic reading comprehension

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