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Monarda Didyma

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Monarda didyma, also known as beebalm, Oswego tea, or bergamot, is an aromatic herb native to eastern North America from Maine west to Ontario and Minnesota, and south to northern Georgia. The native wildflower has been cultivated by some enthusiasts for more prominent flowers in more showy colours and is planted in Ontario gardens as a lure for hummingbirds and bumblebees, who love to spend time feeding from these plants on a humid August afternoon.

The Monarda Didyma shawl begins as a classic top down triangle, but part way through another triangle is introduced, producing a broad flat profile across the back, avoiding a pointed spine. The top profile is a shallow V shape rather than straight across, allowing the shawl to stay in place over the shoulders.

Materials Needed:

  • @450 yards light fingering weight yarn with good stitch definition
  • 4mm (US 6) needles or size needed for a pleasing fabric
  • @32 stitch markers
  • cable needle

A Note on Gauge:

Gauge is not given for this pattern; for a shawl in particular, achieving a fabric you like is more important than achieving the same gauge as the designer. I have included in the pattern a break down of the percentage of yarn used per section; keep an eye on that to determine whether you have enough yarn to finish your project as written.

Instruction Style:

This pattern is fully written: the use of written instructions is optional (except for the garter tab set up).

This pattern is fully charted (except for the garter tab set up); the use of charted instructions is optional.

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