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A King's Fall - Visions of Truth (New Edition)

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A King's Fall: Visions of Truth


In "A King's Fall," journey through the compelling narrative of a life that once mirrored the glittering allure of a celebrity - complete with wealth, prestige, and the trappings of success. This introspective tale delves into the heart of pride, its seductive power, and its perilous consequences, drawing an evocative parallel with the biblical downfall of King Saul. Through a raw and honest reflection on personal triumphs and tribulations, magnified by the double-edged sword of social media, the author invites us on a transformative journey from dazzling heights to humbling realizations, offering profound insights into the timeless battle between humility and the hubris that has shaped destinies since time immemorial.

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Katrina Black B.

1 year ago Review

This book was an eye opener for me and you made me look at things in a different perspective. I love how it has bible Scripture that related to the subject. I love the bonus read and enjoy reading Happy Valentine. I love the poems She is Strength, The Sinner's Friend, and Prayers For Justice. I can tell the author researched the information and put thought into every word.

Pastor W.

1 year ago

An Eye Opener!

"This book really opened my eyes to things I did not see in my own perspective. Our mind and thinking really blinds us to the truth as the great proverbs said, "Man is righteous in his own eyes" (paraphrasing). TC really got into the depths of the topic of this book, and his transparency is noble. He compared his own life to that of past kings who should have known better with wisdom and time. It only confirms that this parasite called pride shows no discrimination. I also love the bonus book Death Unto Life. What happens after we die is still somewhat a controversial topic, but to have a premonition of a dream such as this one... it is really hard to dismiss that we just die and then nothing. As a scholar and pastor, I approve this book to those who would humble their hearts and soul and let this author teach you some things. This book is an easy read and the author put his thoughts and candor into it so it will be a help to all. Thanks TC... "