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The Complete Owner’s Guide to Hermit Crabs

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“Mommy! Mommy! I want one!” The little girl tugged at the pants of her mother’s jeans. “Can I get one, mommy? Look at them!” The mother, tired from dealing with her daughter’s never-ending energy, eyed the shells with mild, worried curiosity.

 “What is it?” the woman asked.

 “It’s a hermit crab! See, mommy, the sign says that they live in their shells, and they actually carry their homes on their backs!” Surprised, the mother stared as one shell lifted and moved. A small coruscation was moving it.


 With a noncommittal “we’ll see,” the mother hoped her daughter would yearn for something furrier.

 But alas, the desire for a hermit crab stayed with the girl, as it does with many children her age. Not to worry - hermit crabs are easy to care for and cheap to own.

 How they ended up with the name “hermit crab,” we don’t know, as they aren’t exactly crabs, and they are far from being hermits!

 Hermit crabs differ from most crabs because the abdomen of a hermit crab is soft and vulnerable to attack rather than hardened like other crabs. That explains why they carry their home with them wherever they go.

 And as you are about to discover, hermit crabs are really delightfully sociable creatures – not only to other crabs but to humans as well.

Now you can easily learn everything you need to know to buy and care for a hermit crab, including the answers to such questions as:

  • Where should I get a hermit crab?
  • What about a pet shop?
  • What about a fair?
  • What kind of habitat does a hermit crab require?
  • Where do they sleep?
  • What other stuff do I need to buy for my hermit crab?
  • What are hermit crabs like when you hold them?
  • How are hermit crabs with children?
  • Are hermit crabs ever aggressive?
  • Do hermit crabs make noise?
  • Do I need to worry about hermit crabs pinching or biting?
  • How much does a hermit crab cost?
  • What does a hermit crab eat?
  • How much does a hermit crab weigh and how big do they generally get?
  • Do hermit crabs need a lot of attention?
  • Will multiple hermit crabs get along in the same habitat?
  • How long does a hermit crab live?
  • Do hermit crabs really switch shells and can I hold them when they are not in a shell?
  • What health problems do hermit crabs tend to have?
  • What kind of a temperament does a hermit crab have?
  • How much grooming does a hermit crab need?
  • And much, much more!
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