Dirty Laundry
Keeping it clean is so overrated…
Okay. I'll admit it. I'm a good girl. Always have been, always will be. But even good girls need to break loose once in a while, or even once a week. For me it's my weekly 2am trip to the Laundromat. Sounds exciting, right? Well, you'd be surprised what you can get away with when the rest of the city is sleeping, like strapping on a pair of skates and pretending I'm in a roller derby, or that one time I turned on all the dryers and did hot Bikram yoga… naked. The Laundromat is my refuge, a place I can let my freak flag fly, so I was none too impressed the night I arrived to find some random guy had taken up residence in my happy place, at least not until he gave fluff and fold a whole new meaning.