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Sivan Alyra Rose as Sasha Yazzie (100x100)

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Pay what you want: (minimum CA$13.00)
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this download contains #1,295 base icons, sized 100x100 & 200x100, of Sivan Alyra Rose as Sasha Yazzie in Chambers Season 1. |   |   |   important: Sivan is genderfluid and uses She/They pronouns. Sivan is also Apache/Puerto Rican so please be aware when using her as a faceclaim.

This product is priced at $13 as per my commission pricing and allows you to skip the process of reblogging the post to get the download free of charge; by purchasing this you are paying for my self-published short story, and as a thank you, I've included free icons of the listed character!

I do not own these icons in any way, shape or form. I do not own the rights to the show, characters or anything else within it. I am charging for the work put forth and the amazing preview icon image. The icons are a free, totally amazing, bonus.
You will get the following files:
  • TXT (51B)
  • ZIP (25MB)