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Summary of the book ( Currency Wars)

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How do new wars happen?
When did the first currency war happen? Why did the financial crisis happen in 2008? Why was the US Federal Reserve established? What are the consequences of currency wars on the global financial system?
You will find the answers to the previous questions in the Summary of the book Currency Wars

Author: James Richards

About the book
After the Cold War and the wars of the Middle East, they turned into a real conflict between the great powers, a conflict without the sound of cannons or the bombing of aircraft, which occurs stealthily and covertly and through economic intrigues, and leads to financial disasters that promote a new reality without firing a single shot, hence the importance of this book that informs you about the subtleties of the global financial system.

To whom is this book:
For financial and economic analysts.
For researchers in the capital markets and stock exchanges.
For those interested in crises and economic wars
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