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She Glows Africa - Felistas Murata

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This year’s theme for the women’s month for the United Nations was, “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow.” The theme dabbled on including women (Women comprise of more than half of the world’s population), in helping drive global action and investment with a focus on financing for gender-just climate solutions amongst other. We also saw activists, socialites, celebrities and women conversing on breaking the biases that society overshadows women with. Ruvheneko Parirenyatwa, is surely a testimony on breaking the bias and following one’s dreams. To you dear reader I encourage that you carry these themes in your everyday lives as we continue to build a society that is inclusive of all. We will get there, after all Rome was not built in a day!

Gender based violence is a sickness and we have lost too many women to the hands of men who claim to love them though no qualities of love include being violent to your partner. The solutions to GBV needs men to also come to the table and help enforce them. For our Queens to keep glowing without the fear of ever being victimised by a man. To the women in abusive relationships, it is always better to walk away with your life and rebuild it. No life should be lost or tormented at the hands of another human being especially not the lives of our daughters, mothers, grandmothers, nieces, wives, girlfriends or BFFs. Change begins individually.

On that note, thank you for purchasing our issue. May you find inspiration to excel in our stories, you can definitely do it too.

Cheers to 2022, go into the world and conquer, it’s always better when she picks herself up as She Glows!

Stay Amazing!

Carla -Ann Makumbe

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