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DHT OVERLOAD / EXTREME MASCULINITY - Morphic Field (Quantum Boosted)

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"The amount of DHT in your body, defines strength of your character and the depth of true masculinity."

Morphic fields embedded in this audio are Quantum Boosted, they are programmed to increase DHT activity in whole body. DHT is the hormone of masculinity, it makes boys become men. This field will create a strong energetic stimulation for permament & optimal DHT activity.

ā•This DHT product will NOT cause side effects such as hairloss or agression. ā•

šŸ›ˆ Low DHT symptoms: fatigue, brain fog, low mood, low libido, decrease of strength, weakness, low energy, high estrogen symptoms, fat gain, low confidence, lack of masculine energy

šŸ›ˆ Benefits of HIGH DHT LEVELS:

  • more potent form of testosterone.
  • promote the growth of facial and body hair in men.
  • penis development and sexual function.
  • increase muscle mass and strength.
  • improve energy levels and reduce fatigue.
  • improve cardiovascular endurance and athletic performance.
  • improve immune function and reduce the risk of infections.
  • reduce muscle breakdown and improve protein synthesis.
  • improve muscle recovery after exercise.
  • improve muscle cell hydration and nutrient delivery.
  • reduce symptoms of depression.
  • improve self-confidence and self-esteem
  • improve mental clarity and alertness.
  • improve motivation and drive.
  • improve cognitive function and memory.
  • improve the ability to focus on long-term goals.
  • improve the ability to handle distractions.
  • improve the ability to handle stress and pressure.
  • improve cognitive function and memory.
  • deepening of the voice.
  • promote bone density and strength.
  • lower risk of Alzheimer's disease.
  • lower LDL cholesterol levels.
  • regulate blood pressure and prevent hypertension.
  • promote healthy skin and prevent acne.
  • improve sexual function and libido in men.
  • improve fertility by promoting the development of healthy sperm.
  • improve sleep quality and duration.

šŸ›ˆ I used several safe gene mutations in RNA that visibly promote extreme release of DHT in the body:

  • Mutation of SRD5A2
  • Mutation of HSD17B3
  • Mutation of AKR1C4
  • Mutation of AR gene
  • Mutation of LHCGR
  • Increase of 5-alpha reductase

Enyoy this premium morphic field. Your DHT level have never been higher! šŸ”„


šŸ›ˆ š—Ŗš—µš—®š˜ š—±š—¼š—²š˜€ š—¤š˜‚š—®š—»š˜š˜‚š—ŗ š—•š—¼š—¼š˜€š˜š—²š—± š—ŗš—²š—®š—»? - Playing this version of audio at any device utilizes cutting-edge quantum morphic entanglement technology to tap into the very fabric of the universe, accessing the quantum morphic fields that exist all around us. With its advanced custom-tuned quantum resonators, this version is capable of detecting and analyzing even the subtlest variations in the quantum field. By precisely modulating the quantum wave functions within your body, drastically making postitve impact on the total efficiency of the audio.

You will get a WAV (45MB) file

Customer Reviews


Verified Buyer

10 months ago

Feels powerful!!

From the first listen, you feel a powerful masculine energy and a change in mood and mentality.


Verified Buyer

1 year ago

DHT overload

This field is extremely dangerous but in a positive way! It transformed me into a way better version of masculine animal, like a lion šŸ¦ especially on my manhood Iā€™m sure if my eyes šŸ‘€ are deceiving me but I think Iā€™m actually growing inches dramatically and Iā€™m not even playing or joking around Iā€™m deadly serious and Iā€™m going through a lot of growing pains on my šŸ†. But anyways thanks again bro I really appreciate you & many blessings.

Lion King

1 year ago


at the very first listen i felt the masculine hormones flowing through me.
i feel like animal, def worth the price