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"The 369" Alpha Deep Meditative Journey with 8D Audio - Voted #1 by our Beta Testers

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Embark on a transformative journey of experiential meditation with this Alpha Meditation. Through the synergy of 8D Audio and 8-12Hz Alpha Isochronic Tones, this meditation is designed to facilitate profound experiences of inner exploration, connection, and transcendence. Feel the waves of alpha brainwave entrainment gently guide you into a state of deep relaxation, heightened focus, and access to hidden realms of knowledge. Unlock the potential for mystical encounters, deep insights, and a profound sense of interconnectedness. Discover the limitless possibilities that lie within your own consciousness. Music created by Shiftnerity.

"The 369" was voted #1 by our beta testers, with them sharing experiences like these:

"It's as if in one meditation, I broke through a fog and understood the importance of life working for me. I was able to integrate aspects of myself and a deep knowing that who I am is so easily achieved simply by how quickly I return to my natural state. I also fully understood in a single moment how much of life is to be lived in awe."

"I felt a very deep connection to this frequency so much so that I felt a deep inner vibration in my heart and solar plexus chakras."

"The 369 music was highly mystical. It was tapping parts of my brain."

"Felt clarity like a sword cutting through thick dense fog. Confidence that has become unshakable."

"Fell into a "shamanic trance" each time."

*This meditation requires the use of headphones and a black-out eye mask

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