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The Wonder Woman

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When God created man (male and female) in the beginning, He did it for a reason and a specific purpose. A woman was created as a helper, but that doesn’t mean that she is of lesser value before God. Both men and women are equal before God. Eve was created comparable to Adam, not inferior to him. She was not created to be a footstool, neither was she given different duties and responsibilities from Adam. She was created equal to him. This means that whatever the man could do, the woman could also do. God’s desire was and has always been to use women as a vessel, just like He uses men.

It’s our thinking and the little knowledge that we have of God that bring limitations into our lives. But if we dare to leave what we know and have become familiar with and set out on an adventure of seeking God and seeking to know Him better, then I believe that things will begin to change. God has opened up Himself for us, but He cannot force us to know Him.

If you are that woman who desires to defy the norm and challenge the status quo, rise above the average, and do great things for God’s glory while living a purposeful, fulfilling, and satisfying life, this book is for you. I invite you to take this journey with me as we study some of the women in the Bible who changed the world around them in various ways and dimensions to the extent of becoming history makers.

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