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0 to 20 Numberline

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Let’s play a game with a 0 to 20 number line with loops.

Download, print, stick and play.
Have fun inventing a game to play or try ;
Download and make ‘+0 to+5 spinner’. You will also need a counter each placed on the number 0 position to start.
😀Take turns
😀Spin and move forward that number of loops
😀Race to 20
Pass it on On your turn count on. For example point to the number 4 say “four” then loop your finger forwards one loop at a time saying “one, two, three, four add three is seven.”

On another day, download and make ‘- 0 to - 5 spinner’ and race from 20 to 0.
Pass it on On your turn count back. For example, point to the number 14, say “fourteen” then loop your finger backwards one loop at a time saying “one, two, three, four, fourteen take away four is ten.”

For more ideas try
65 loopy counting
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