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Passive Income For The 21st Century

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Do you know why most people don't have financial freedom?

Can you tell the 1 idea that separate the Rich and the Poor?

What are the 3 forgotten skills that will generate income anywhere, anytime?

Can you see why the last thing you need is a job (or a business)?

Is there ways to create passive income so simple, even your Golden Retriever could do it?

How do you build passive income with Zero Money?

What is the most powerful force in the Universe? How can you use it to get unfair advantage?

What is OPW? Why is it so damn important?

If you look up Passive Income on the Internet, you find out two things real fast.

1st: At least half the people think it's a scam.

2nd: The other half keep recycling the same limited ideas over and over again, usually evolving around renting real-estate or Digital Marketing.

But this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Under the surface is the real inequality:

The stuff that we all learned at school
The best information money can buy

In the following pages you will get all the stuff they don't tell you at school or the mainstream medias.

In Part 1, I will share with you the things I wish somebody told me 20 years ago about Money, Time and Business.

In Part 2, you will learn the Passive Income Strategies that I personally use.

Writing this book is the way I found to help the most people possible.

What happens next is up to you..
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