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Dynamics Of Stage Performance

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DOSP  is a comprehensive and self - teaching music performance guidebook that reveals practical steps and principles that can be used to train choirs, singing groups , and a band on how to consistently deliver excellent music and effective message to an audience .

You will learn practical techniques and principles used by a music professional to build a consistent and effective gospel choir of over 500 Members.  

The book covers vital areas of musical knowledge that can be applied to achieve a quality and consistent music performance such as :

-   Rehearsal Techniques

-   Stage Performance Guidelines

-   Song Leading Guidelines 

-   Church  Music Management 

-   Music Element Applications

-   Gospel Music Orientation , e .t .c  

This Is  A  One - Time  Investment In  Developing Your Musicianship That You Will Never Regret  You Made In Your Entire Life !

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DOSP Has Relevant Information In Solving The Challenges Responsible For Poor Music Ministrations During Live Performance.  

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