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Crossroads of Giants Elephant Documentary Series (24 episodes)

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Crossroads of Giants (Series 1. 24 episodes) is an exciting, up close and personal wildlife series focussing on the African elephant in Botswana. Elephant herds have been migrating through Elephant Sands in the north east of the country for decades - as long as humans can remember. 

The vast, flat, dry region is unfenced and these giants pass through from as far afield as Zimbabwe and Namibia. The challenges - especially during the dry months from July to December - are massive because the elephants are many and food becomes scarce and water even more so. 

Filmed with an undaunted approach - over a number of years - by a former war Cameraman - the series reveals much about these gentle giants - as well as the people who try and help these migrating herds by providing water during the crucial months towards the end of every dry season. 

A revealing, moving, and eye opening insight into an iconic wild animal. You may never look at an African elephant in the same way again.

Episode 1 Where Elephants Rule

This is an overview and introduction to exactly that - Elephant Sands - where elephants really do rule. 

Episode 2 Where Elephants Rule 2

More about the area and how it is so dry every year.

Episode 3 Dancing with Elephants

Filming elephants with a Gopro can be challenging, especially if the elephant bulls decide to throw it around. How are you meant to get it back?

Episode 4 Dancing with Elephants 2

An elephant steals the Gopro camera again - and it has to be retrieved with some danger and some hilarious antics. Filming at Elephant Sands you have to be on your toes, there is always an elephant to dance around.

Episode 5 Dancing with Elephants 3

Campsite antics and naughty elephants make this episode a riot.

Episode 6 Dancing with Elephants 4

The Gopro eventually gets saved at last… again.

Episode 7 Behind the Scenes

A first look into what it takes to get the footage needed to put a series like this together - and how we have to try not disturb the elephants... and how we have to behave when we do.

Episode 8 Behind the Scenes 2

A look into Bennie, the wild bull elephant who got saved by the lodge and he's been friends ever since. We approach a bull elephant to film and explain what we're trying to do.

Episode 9 Boko

Boko is a legend at Elephant Sands. The rowdiest, loudest, most destructive regular visitor in the region. This wild elephant bull weighs in at around 5 tonnes and is fast on his feet. His broken tusks give him a rugged look and when he frowns, which is often, it brings a twinkle to his eye.

Boko’s behaviour is challenging at the best of times. He often charges at whomever may be in front of him. Wether its staff, guests, or visitors. He will scare the living daylights out of you but he’s never harmed a soul. In fact, he’s never actually touched anybody, ever. I think he’s just having fun.

Episode 10 Boko 2

Boko cranks out some serious charges but also shows us his softer side.

Episode 11 Elephant Baby

Baby has to be rescued after being left behind the herd. Sets the scene for the Baby episodes.

Episode 12 Elephant Baby 2

Baby's arrival at Elephant Sands and we get to meet Baby at last.

Episode 13 Elephant Baby 3

baby's first night at Elephant Sands... complete with a visit from lions.

Episode 14 Elephant Baby 4

Baby find its feet a little bit and get more comfortable with its new family; Sheba, Tanya and Reinhardt. 

Episode 15 Elephant Baby 5

Baby enjoys the morning with Tanya and Sheba. Tanya explains what it means to have Baby at the Lodge.

Episode 16 Elephant Baby 6

Baby gets dehydrated and it gets the attention it needs. We learn all about baby elephants and their trunks.

Episode 17 Elephant Baby 7

The rain comes down and Baby has to retreat to the family house for shelter where it meets the dogs... and gets its milk supplement. We learn about the difference between breeding herds and the lone bulls who take on 'Askaris'.

Episode 18 Elephant Baby 8

Baby and the dogs get on well and Baby gets a blanket to shield against the cold before sleep. We look into the significance of baby elephants within the herd structure.

Episode 19 Elephant Baby 9

Elephant Sands Lodge makes plans to give Baby the best life possible and we look more at elephant behaviour.

Episode 20 Elephant Baby 10

The arrival of alarming news. Baby has to leave for an established elephant orphanage and Reinhardt takes the baby elephant to say goodbye to the dogs. Reinhardt doctors Baby’s wounds on its front legs. 

Episode 21 Elephant Baby 11

The final episode of Baby. Reinhardt and Tanya take Baby for a swim at the lodge pan and Baby seems to be in good spirits. As the filmmaker and having some elephant experience I (Alistair Lyne) was incredibly concerned at moving the baby elephant so soon after arriving and just when it started to settle. But Elephant Sands were put under pressure from a big organisation and had no choice. We said goodbye with heavy hearts.

Episode 22 Behind the Scenes 3

What it was like and what it entailed, to film the 'Baby' episodes. More about Elephant Sands.

Episode 23 Behind the Scenes 4

We get to meet Shaggy, the boisterous bull; and Lefty, in musth and on steroids. 

Episode 24 Behind the Scenes 5

Getting access with the resident elephants at Elephant Sands. Early days. Rainy season. The final episode of Series 1 of the Crossroads of Giants elephant series. To be continued.

(+/- 9,750 GB total all 24 episodes)

(+/- 140 minutes total play time OR +/- 2 hours 20 minutes total play time)

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