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The Ultimate Guinea Pig Handbook

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What's a Guinea Pig, Anyway?

 Guinea pigs—small, cute, adorable, and, at first glance, a wonderful family pet that takes little work or forethought. Like a goldfish, hermit crab, or some other small animal...right?


 Guinea pigs, which are actually members of the rodent family, are native to South America. Ironically, they're not pigs, and they certainly aren't from Guinea.

 Because of domestication, the guinea pig isn't actually found in the wild anymore. It's almost impossible to imagine these small, fuzzy creatures crawling over fallen logs and sleeping under the open skies.

 Some people competitively show and breed guinea pigs, but many guinea pigs simply live “the good life,” resting at home in a comfortable cage, surrounded by families that love them.

Whom Are Guinea Pigs Good For?

A guinea pig is not a pet that you can purchase and then casually forget about. It is a wonderful, intelligent animal that deserves a good home with someone who will care for it.

Guinea pigs are often thought of as a child's pet, however, they're also good pets for anyone who is looking for an affectionate animal that enjoys being held and played with. And if you're looking for a pet to live in a small apartment, a guinea pig is perfect for you!

Want to Learn More?

Ready to embark upon an exciting journey with a new pet? The guinea pig is will prove a wonderful companion, as it is an absolutely incredible animal. All you have to do is claim your ebook to discover why.

The Ultimate Guinea Pig Handbook covers all of this, and a lot more. And when you read it, you'll be BLOWN AWAY with how simple it really is to care for guinea pigs.

Here's just a taste of what you'll discover...

  • A complete guide to the guinea pig cage and how to easily maintain a healthy environment.
  • The 5 things you must do before placing your guinea pig in his new home.
  • What to feed your guinea pig - and what not to give him! There is a ton of inaccurate info out there. I'll tell you the truth so you never have to wonder again!
  • How to care for a single guinea pig and more than one!
  • The importance of bedding and why this is a crucial component of your cage. I'll tell you what type of bedding to buy and how much to use.
  • How to choose a healthy guinea pig from the store -- there are little known things to look for that the pet store owner's don't want you to know!
  • The surefire signs of guinea pig illness that will tell you if your guinea pig needs medical attention.
  • An entire chapter devoted to guinea pig illnesses and cures. Your guinea pig has the potential to completely recover from an illness, but it's not how you think. I'll show you the truth about curing your guinea pig.
  • Why a specific type of bedding - frequently recommended - is actually extremely dangerous for your guinea pig. It's known to cause respiratory problems.
  • A complete guide to all the accessories your guinea pig needs to be happy in his new home.
  • A complete guinea pig first aid kit. This is an important one! The supplies in this kit just may save your guinea pig's life!
  • Where you should never place your guinea pig cage in your house. Put it here and it just might kill him!
  • How to tell if your guinea pig is running a fever. The proper body temperature for a guinea pig (you may be surprised to learn what it is!).
  • What's the proper heart rate for your guinea pig? The Ultimate Guinea Pig Handbook will tell you.
  • Where in the room to place your guinea pig cage.
  • A crash course on guinea pig behavior. Knowing what's normal and healthy behavior - and what's not! - can help you provide the best possible care for your guinea pig.
  • All about feeding your guinea pig, including tips on varying his diet to make sure his intestinal tract stays healthy.
  • What to do if your guinea pig won't eat.
  • The importance of quarantine cage and how to set one up.
  • Why your guinea pig loves to be on a schedule - and why it's great for his health.
  • An entire chapter devoted to breeding your guinea pigs -- step-by-step instructions from start to finish.
  • How to prepare food for your guinea pig. This one is easy, and it's a ton of fun to watch him eat it!
  • What your guinea pig can't eat! Knowing this will save your guinea pig from potential health problems.
  • How to arrange your plants in your tank for optimum visual effect.
  • How to properly introduce your guinea pig to his new cage mates. This is very important as you don't want to cause your guinea pigs any undue stress as it could lead to illnesses later on.
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