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Naruto ''Baryon Mode'' - High

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This is the Project File of the 
”Naruto ''Baryon Mode'' - High''

Things you need before opening the file:

▪ Any version of Adobe After Effects

▪ Plugins: Twixtor, BCC-Plugin, Sapphire,
   Twitch, Deep Glow,RSMB,
   Magic Bullet Looks, Optical Flares, Particular, Element 3D,
Fonts: Lemon Milk [Bold, Medium, Light] 
           Vampire Wars
You will get: 
▪ VFX, Overlays, The Project File itself,
   The Anime Clips, etc.

DM me on Instagram or Discord for any issues or concerns with this Project-File!

Discord: Skrettz#6765
Instagram: Skrettz

You will get a RAR (844MB) file