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Allergen training

This is an intro course to the big eight allergens including what the allergens are where they're commonly found and what to do if one of your customers accidentally ingest some I hope this is helpful to you and maybe saves a life!The lack of employee allergen training is distressingand dangerous! Do your part! Get all employees trainedThis is the best $10 you'll ever spend!


Allergen training is critical for Food Service employees and can mean the difference between life and death for your customers killing customers is not a good way to grow your business so you want to avoid it if you can 

I’ve owned several bakeries and coffee shops and have watched over the decades as allergens have become a bigger and bigger thing..Is critical to be knowledgeable on this important topic

What are the big 8 allergens?

Learn the big 8 and quickly train your employees before they have any customer contact with this quick and easy course.Save a life Knoeledge is power

Pricing plan

$10 each

Best $10 you'll ever spend!



Course curriculum

  1. Big 8 Allergens
  2. Reactions and treatment
  3. A look at actual product labels
  4. Cross Contamination
  5. First Aid